Temporay Bed Rest

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When we got back home after our honeymoon We moved out of the house and into our New one three weeks later , Gabriel needed the time to set up everyone's room especially if they wanted to update their decor
The twins got separate rooms but  after the first night of both crying most of the night because they were separated we put them together for now which the next night they went right to sleep no problems they may be in separate beds but Brandon said since they are twins they have spent all their lives together so that's what they know so until they decide that they want to separate then keep them together

I'm 13 weeks pregnant and Morning sickness made its debut this week every day twice three times a day it doesn't matter what time of day
I felt the babies move earlier because there's four of Them and not a lot of space I was laying in Bed with Owen and Sean after my third bout with morning sickness that day
They both wanted me to rest for a hour or two before I got up since I nearly cracked my head open standing up from emptying the contents of my stomach

As I was laying there I felt the familiar flutters so I asked Sean to put his hand on my belly
He did and when he felt the flutters his eyes lit up with a smile
Owen did the same thing
By that evening everyone had felt the babies move North was the best reaction he's a tough guy but when he felt the babies move he became a softy with a couple of tears in his eyes it made my heart so full

Working on the current listings for the Reality Company to have them up and posted to the Website I was sitting in Owens office since he was out for the day , The Twins were down for a nap well add least that's what they are supposed to be doing but according to the monitor they are both laying in Sammy's bed talking to each other in that Secret Twin language

As I'm working I hear the door ding letting me know that someone has come in so I look up at the TV screen to see who it was

Luke and Marc were coming in looks like they had groceries with them

Knowing I should go help them but then again I would probably get yelled out so I stay put and continue to work on the website

Hearing my belly growl I knew I needed to eat so I slid the Papers and Laptop onto the desk and stood up slowly

Pushing the chair out of my way I got dizzy holding on to the corner of the desk to keep from toppling over
Breathing in and out slowly waiting for the world to stop spinning
It didn't but I needed to go get food so I slowly used the desk the two chairs in front of the desk and the door to make it out of room leaning against the wall as I went down the hallway to the stairs
I stopped I knew I wasn't going to make it down them in one piece so I sat down and hollered

" Luke, Marc I'm dizzy a fuck I need food and insulin " I Yelled
Leaning against the railings and waited bearish footsteps run up to me then past me another set of footsteps came up
" Sit tight Baby , Luke went to get your stuff "
" Marc I don't feel good at all very light headed "
" Okay Baby When was the last time you ate "
" At 9:30 I had a small snack of apples and peanut butter that North Brought up to me "

" Okay it's now 12:30 you should have eaten a half hour ago " Marc chastised me

" I know " I responded

I felt the prick of my finger then the stick of the needle
" Marc it's not going to work " I say as I can feel the darkness coming over me my eyes roll back in my head the last thing I hear is
" Fuck we gotta go now "

Coming too I knew I was in the hospital the smell hit me first and I about threw up I could hear the beeping of the machines then the door opens I open my eyes to See Sean walking in

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