iv. arts and crafts

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The light that shined from the ceiling was almost blinding. It felt as though she was staring directly at the sun when actually, she was in class, watching her trigonometry teacher demonstrate the sine rule which she couldn't understand to save her life. Her lack of understanding of the topic may or may not have been influenced by her desperation to go home and just relax— sitting with a book or a movie and a cup of hot cocoa was all she could think of. She had spent every night of the past two weeks with either Nicholas or Sabrina and her friends. Sleep was not something easy to come by when hanging out with them. They could talk and laugh for hours on end without their eyes drooping. It was a superpower Dani hoped she would develop over time.

Tapping her pencil against the wooden desk, she couldn't take her eyes off the clock. There were only a few minutes left until class would end and she'd finally be free from this hell they called school, but the ticking of the clock was teasing. Time passed by at a snail's pace, almost as if it was delaying in spite of her.

After what felt like hours, the hands of the clock struck three-thirty, and just seconds later, the bell rang, signalling freedom. Without hesitation, her hands were already throwing her untouched math book and pencil case into her backpack. As fast as a gust of wind, she was out of the classroom, walking toward her locker.

"Hey," she heard a familiar voice say as she dumped her school books into her locker. Dani glanced up to see Roz and Sabrina walking toward her with Harvey and Theo in tow. "How was class?" Roz continued.

"I had math." Though it was a vague answer, Dani was sure that just the fact that it was math would be enough to convey that it wasn't exactly fun.

"At least you're not taking physics." Roz sighed. "I don't think I can take any more of Mr. Koch's puns."

"Do you think he even realizes that they're not funny? I never thought I'd say this but I wish he'd just teach more," Theo agreed, laughing along. He pointed to the banner near the assembly hall. Dani looked up, pursing her lips when she read who the Baxter High Raven's were competing against today. "Are you gonna watch the game against the Bulldogs with us, by the way? It starts in like, half an hour."

Dani didn't hesitate to shake her head, smiling apologetically. "I think I'll pass, but thanks."

"Are you sure?" Sabrina's eyebrows were furrowed in confusion, her usually smiling lips turned the other way round. "Aren't any of your friends from Riverdale High going to be here?"

"Probably not," she said, although she knew very well that her friends were definitely going to be watching the game. They never missed a game. Normally, Dani didn't either. She would have loved to support her new school's team, but not if she'd have to face her old friends who still, after weeks, had barely made an effort to check in on her. She was tired enough already and seeing people from her old school would exhaust her even more. "It's fine, guys. I'm just gonna call it a day."

"Okay," Sabrina settled, "but if you change your mind we're gonna be in the gym. We'll save you a spot just in case." Dani smiled, nodding.

"Thanks." She waved at her friends before walking toward the school's exit.

The cool air that hit her when she walked out of Baxter High was refreshing. Her entire body felt lighter as she strolled down the path towards Cerberus Books; just the fact that the day was over was a weight off her shoulders. Finally, her saviour had come in the form of the weekend. With that in mind, Dani forced herself to bear the short, yet tiring walk to the café-bookshop where she could relax with a nice book and a cup of hot cocoa.

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