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The wall of zombies was a least 12 deep and stretched for 100 meters. As we watched, a few kids decided to try and escape, but as you can guess the zombies wouldn't turn down an opportunity like this. A few kids ran straight towards the zombies armed with a few weapons ( i must say that i'm impressed with their nerve) such as hammers and saws from technology.  They managed to take down a zombie, before they lost their lives, due to the zombies ripping their heads off. We watched in shock and horror because some of the zombies looked like the teachers from hopeless academy including Mr McGowan our form teacher, Miss Shovelton, Miss Bradburn and Mrs Singh to name just a few.

Meanwhile another of our friends Danni was in english and all of her class had gone outside and were dead but she was thinking about us in maths and what we would do. She had thought at first to join her classmates but thankfully she had decided to go against her better instincts and stayed put. 

In maths, Me, Maureen, Meg, Dionne and Chantelle we were planning what to do next we had 3 options. 1. Go outside and get killed. 2. Stay put and fight. or 3. Make a run for it and most likely to get killed. We decided to choose the middle option to stay and fight !!!   Claudia on the other hand had decided to run. She ran downstairs which was deserted because most of the pupils were either dead or had got away. She ran out of the main entrance only to be faced with the Mr Mc Gowan looking zombie. What was she meant to do? Fight? or Run?. She decided to fight which i am sad to say it wasn't the best option to pick because for a zombie, Mr McGowan was surprisingly fast. The next thing poor Claudia knew was an immense pain in all of her limbs. this was he last we heard or saw of poor Claudia because when we went outside to clear the bodies of the dead (when the zombies had gone of course). All we found was a body without it's limbs or head which we later discovered that it was Claudia's body. It must have been a painful death. as we went back inside, Danni ran into us crying her eyes out because she had seen Claudia's death first hand. We escorted her to our meeting / planning room.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 22, 2014 ⏰

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