Chapter 1: August 1952

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August 1952~ 10 Weeks

My heart is racing, I look next to me where my little sister sits holding my hand, I give a little smile and she returns it. I look next to her where my parents sit, my mother sitting next to my dad, his arm around her while rubbing up and down her arm every now and again which makes me smile slightly also. It hurts me to know I'm keeping something so big from them but I don't know how to address it to them, I haven't even told Peeta yet. I turn to see him four rows behind me, we lock eyes and he smiles then gives me a subtle wink, I turn around blushing and try concentrate on what reverend Cinna is preaching but it's difficult with thoughts flowing constantly through my head.

"I talk to you today about a word, hope. We should all carry hope with us, hope that no matter our situation, that we'll be okay. In times of need, people need strong hope. Not only do I want to talk about hope but I want to talk about kindness. Kindness is always how we must treat each other, set aside our differences and be joined as a family.

I want you all to think about the last time you were kind. I want you all to continue your lives in kindness and with hope" he preaches, I sigh and try taking in his preaching and I start thinking worst case scenario with my position and no matter what the reverend can say can comfort my thoughts.

Church concludes and I follow my family outside of our town church and as we start walking back to our home I hear my name being called, I turn to see Peeta coming towards me, my eyes widen because I didn't think I'd have to face him so soon

My parents smile as he walks over, ever since Peeta and I started to become a couple in mid-May, a few days after my seventeenth birthday, my family have taken a liking to him, my father especially and it surprised me at first but it was nice to see. Peeta approaches me and I fear what his words will be

"Katniss, I want to ask you to join me at the movies on Saturday night" he says with a charming smile, I chuckle at him, already knowing the answer

"Of course" I reply, Peeta smiles and takes my hand, placing a kiss on it, I then kiss his cheek before he leaves

"My goodness he's such a lovely boy" my mom says, I turn and roll my eyes, my dad is grinning at me

"You got yourself a good one, darling daughter" he admits, kissing my forehead

"I know, daddy" I reply with a smile, kissing his cheek, he chuckles and we continue our walk home, I play with Prim as we try not to step on any cracks or lines on the side-walk. I look up when boys on bikes call out to us, awful names, mostly to my father and I.

When Americans arrived to Panem, they were surprised to find a Cherokee tribe, my father was just ten-years-old then but remembers it clear as day when the general Brutus shot the Cherokee chief, my dad's father. It was a horrid past, my dad told us how the children were taken between being an infant to eighteen years of age, the men were lined up and shot while the women were taken away to work for men or sent away from Panem, most of them were abused physically, sexually and emotionally which lead to his mother's death.

Although they treated my fathers family horridly, he told me that he was lucky enough to be taken by a kind couple by the name of John and Alice Everdeen who allowed him to have his first given name, they lived on a farm and still allowed my dad to play seeing as he was still only ten.

My father grew to be part of the society far from what he was use to, he was regularly bullied and stayed around his friends from the Cherokee tribe who he soon lost when his parents introduced him to Camilla Jane Gregson, who came from a respectable family.

My parents say that they both were in love the longer they were together and so after graduation and my father completed college, they married and were expecting me a month after their marriage, May 1934 I was born, olive skinned although not as dark as my father, dark hair and eyes, I was pretty much my father born again, they settled with Katniss because Katniss roots was one thing that kept his tribe going and my little sister, Primrose, was born six years later only to be born fair skinned, blonde haired and blue eyed, it was quite the mix but our parents never cared and have always loved us.

Growing up, my little sister and I had a lot more freedom than other kids did, although I wore dresses and liked the usual, romantic book or romantic movie on the television, I loved being in the forest and climbing trees, thankfully my best friend Gale Hawthorne, who's father was also from a Cherokee tribe, did too and so I had mostly hung around with him growing up.

Despite my father's past, he raises us to not hold grudges against the people who treated him, that kindness and forgiveness was always best which makes him all the more loveable and I'm proud to call him my dad.


"Your not eating like you use to, my child" my dad says sitting next to me on the couch while mom and Primrose do the dishes

"I think I just feel a little under the weather today" I reply giving him a small smile which he returns, I tell him goodnight and head upstairs after saying goodnight to my mother and sister before going upstairs.

I enter my shared room with my sister and walk over to the calendar, my eyes welling up as I tell myself for what seems to be the thousandth time today, it's been ten weeks since my last cycle, I usually have irregular cycles but not two months irregular... I place a shaky hand over my belly and shake my head, how could this have happened... there was the time when we first had intercourse and forgot protection, but it was our first time so we thought it was nearly impossible... we thought it were impossible if I were to fall pregnant when it's our first time... I guess not.

I get ready for bed and get dressed into my nightwear and slide into the bed I share with my sister. I close my eyes trying to sleep but sleep doesn't seem to want to com to me so easily, my thoughts won't shut up and I long for Peetas warm arms around mine but I can't, I hear the door open and sit up to see my little sister walking in after shutting the door and sitting on the bed

"Can you tell me what's really wrong? I'm good at keeping secrets. Even from mom and dad" she says, I smile at my twelve year old sister, I could trust her with this... I know it

"Oh Prim... I'm in such a mess... I'm pregnant. With Peetas baby" my eyes start welling up again

"Katniss... it's okay. It'll be okay. Have you told Peeta?" She asks and I shake my head

"No. I'm going to tell him on our date on Saturday" I reply

"What about after that?" She asks and I sigh

"I don't know, little duck" I frown

"Well, your secret is safe with me" she says and I hug her

"Thank you, little duck... that means a lot to me" I reply

"It's okay. We're sisters, it's what we do" she replies, I smile at her words but I am terrified at what the future holds.

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