Chapter 21

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The cottage was delightful. Like something from a picture book. Thick stone walls, ivy growing up the side. Alice half expected to find three bears eating porridge inside! It was beautiful. George unlocked to door and Alice, carrying Alexander, entered first. She looked around, taking in the beamed ceiling and plush furnishing.

"Oh George, it's beautiful! How did you find such a lovely place?"

George smiled. "Brian's secretary helped." He put his arms around them both. "Do you think you'll enjoy being here then?"

She turned so she was facing him. "Without a doubt!" she said softly, then kissed him. He responded and their kisses deepened. Suddenly Alexander began to protest as he was being squashed in their hug!

George pulled away and took him from Alice. "Sorry there young man!" he told him, making Alice smile, "But I just needed to kiss you lovely mummy!"

Alice wandered further into the cottage, exclaiming as she found the kitchen and bedrooms. Later, when Alexander was settled for the evening, they were sat in the secluded garden, drinking coffee and talking. Alice got up and sat on George's knee. She grinned at him then kissed him once more.

"What was that for?" he asked, smiling at her.

"I was carrying on from earlier on." she told him, "I didn't think we'd finished. Alexander protested if I remember rightly!"

George began to laugh. "Woman, you're mad sometimes!" He kissed her back.

Their kisses became deeper, more passionate.

"Shall we go inside?" Alice whispered.

George picked her up and carried her into the living room. Setting her down on her feet, he kissed her again. Their passion began to grow. He slowly began to undress her until she stopped him.

"If we're doing that, shouldn't we retire to the bedroom? Somewhere more confortable?"

He took her hand and led her through. Once in the room he stood and faced her. "What would you like me to do now?"

She gave him a shy smile. "I like you kissing me, undressing me....if you want to."

He stepped forward and pulled her into a hug. He just held her close for a while. Slowly, ever so slowly he began to kiss her neck and shoulders, causing her to moan softly. He carried on moving slowly down her torso as he unbuttoned her blouse. She stood in front of him, just in her bra. He smiled softly.

"You have the most beautiful breasts Alice. I love them!"

Nodding, she moved forward and kissed him. "My turn now I think." she whispered and began to unbutton his shirt. When it was removed she rested her head on his chest, running her fingers through his chest hairs. George suddenly picked her up and carried her to the bed. He began to kiss her more, teasing her through her bra. She moaned softly, turning him on more and more. He slowly removed her trousers and stroked her, moving lower and lower down her body until his hands stroked the junction of her thighs. Alice tensed, unsure what he was going to do next.

"Relax," he whispered, looking into her eyes, "Trust me...please?"

"I do...really I do!"

"Can I touch you?"

She nodded. He stroked her more, kissing her at the same time. His hands reached her underwear. He stroked her softly, her eyes widened in surprise.

"Is that nice?" He asked, smiling.

"Very." She admitted, blushing.

He carried on, she closed her eyes, letting him do more until she gasped. He stopped, smiling, his hand now inside her underwear, stroking her intimately. He could feel how wet she was. Wet for him he thought in delight. Her breathing giving away how turned on she was. He kept on kissing her whilst stroking her. Suddenly the sound of Alexander crying broke the mood. He smiled at her then stopped. Alice wriggled under him.

"He might settle." she whispered.

George waited but the cries became louder ad more determined. Alice sighed. She kissed George.

"I'll go to him." she said softly.

He nodded as she slipped from the room. He waited but the crying contiued. This was unusual as Alexander generally slept through all night. He got up and wandered into the room.

"Is he OK? " he asked, concerned,

"I think it's just the change of place unsettling him." she explained, gently rocking him, "Would you mind going to get that bottle from downstairs?"

George ran downstairs and after spending a few minutes warming the bottle, he took it back to Alice. By now the crying had stopped. As George got to the top of the stairs he could her Alice talking softly to her son.

" you're all sleepy now. That's good because all little boys need to go to sleep to help them grow into big boys like their daddy. Do you know that? Yes they do!"

He imagined her face as she talked to him. No doubt Alexander would be staring adoringly up at his mummy at the same time! Smiling to himself he carried on listening.

" now my good little boy, you need to go fast asleep. Daddy and I want some time together, yes we do," she whispered, "or is this a ploy to stop your mummy showing Daddy that she loves him and is ready to make love. I'll still love you Alexander but I love your daddy too..."

She stopped and smiled as George came into the room. "He's beginning to snooze a bit." she whispered.

"Do you still want this?" he asked, holding up the bottle.

She nodded and held out her hand. "Thanks George my love," she said as she took it from him. George watched as she offered it to Alexander who began sucking on it greedily.

"Why don't you go back to bed," said said softly, "There's no point us both being up. He should settled after this, no problem."

"Are you sure?"

Alice nodded.

"Give me a shout if you need something. OK?"

"I will. Thanks love."

George wandered back to the bedroom. He thought about what he had overheard. He wondered if she had meant what she was saying about feeling ready to be with him. He lay back in bed and waited. A short time later Alice appeared.

"Hi," she whispered, "You still awake? I'd have thought after all that driving you'd be worn out!"

He smiled at her and held out hs arms to her. "Come on. I can't sleep without you. The bed is too big without you!"

She crawled up the bed to him and snuggled under the covers with him.

"You're cold!" George exclaimed, "Get your feet off me, they're like ice blocks!"

Alice began to giggle. "What is a man in you bed for, if not to warm yourself on them?"

"Cheek!" George leaned over and kissed her.

She responded. Once more their kisses became passionate.

"George, please," said Alice, breaking away from him.


"I want you to make love to me." she whispered.

George looked down at her, his face serious. He could see how Alice's warm brown eyes were full of love and desire.

"Seriously? You feel ready?"

"Totally ready." she replied. She gave him a soft grin. "And I'm still soaking wet from before George Harrison. What are you going to do about that?"

He pulled her into his arms and began to kiss her. This was their time now.

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