Chapter 31

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August 1975.

"Happy Anniversary my love." said George kissing her, "I can hardly believe it's ten years ago since you and I met! Just think, if I hadn't knocked you flying that evening, we might never have met!"

Alice laughed. "And what a whirlwind ten years it has been! If I'd have known what to expect from a Beatle, I might have had second thoughts!"

George looked solemn. He took her hand in his. "You don't mean that do you? Really?"

"I thought it sometimes, especially when the girls were tiny and you shut us all out, but no, I love you so much I would put up with anything to be with you.

He shook his head."I know I was a real bastard to live with then! I worry now about how it could have affected poor Alexander, never mind the girls!" He kissed her hand softly, "Thank you for being there for me all this time. Especially since then end with the lads. I don't think I would have survived without you by my side."

Alice looked at him, equally solemn, remembering the very nasty bitter arguing and name calling that had ensued after the Beatles break up. She remembered how her normally calm, gentle husband became angry with the world and everyone in it. He'd begun to drink heavily and was often drunk for days on end. It hard been incredibly hard to live with, especially since she had had 2 more babies, after Louisa, in very quick succession. Still, they'd come out the other end. Stronger and more in love than ever. Here they were, in the little cottage in Windermere which they had bought severl years ago, enjoying a weekend together.

"The children coped better than you realised." said Alice softly. "Alexander was usually in school and I kept the girls away from you when you were at your worst! Anyway, you're a brilliant dad to all four of them now so I wouldn't worry about all that my love!"

He handed her a small box. "This is for you. A symbol of my love for you Alice.And my thanks fior everything you have brought to my life."

Alice smiled at him then opened the box. Her eyes filled with tears as she picked out the glistening diamond full eternity ring. "It's stunning!" she gasped, tears rolling down her face, "It must have cost a fortune!"

George laughed. "And worth every penny Alice Harrison! Anyway," he said, kissing her, "You never let me buy you a better quality engagment ring when we bought that cheap little ring you wear. So, this is the next best thing!"

Alice looked at him in mock hurt. "I love my engagement ring! I didn't need something flashy to be your wife to be! The ring we bought here in Windermere meant the world. It still does!" She slipped her engagement ring off and placed the new ring next to her wedding ring then replaced the other ring. She wiggled her fingers towards George. "Well, how does it look?"

George caught hold of her hand. "Absolutely stunning! Like the beautiful woman wearing it!"

She started to laugh. George silenced her with a deep passionate kiss. Then, as she responded with equal passion, he carried her to the bedroom where they made love once more.

"Mum - meeee!" Alice laughed as their three daughters raced to her. They grabbed her legs demanding hugs. George picked up the youngest, three year old Kate, and carried her back through to the kitchen. Alice followed, hand in hand, with 6 year old Louisa and 5 year old Laura. They were describing the baking they had been doing with Grandma.

"Hi Louise!" she said, kissing George's mum on the cheek, "Have they been OK for you?"

"They've been delightful. They always are Alice." said Louise, giving her daughter in law a hug. "Did you both have a good weekend?"

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