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Darkness surrounded her as she battled between life and death. A part of her wanted to die, to give in to the force that was beyond her. There was nothing left to live for. Sorrow, pain and anguish have been her life maybe on the other side she would get peace. She had been insignificant with no legacy. Just a teenager that was sired by a greedy mother that took her right to her grave. Literally.

Tears hadn't flow from her eyes, not a single drop which was fine with her. Tears wouldn't change anything to her. Perhaps she had reached a stage where tears refused to be shed.

She got conscious about 5 in the morning and Dr Munnir had given a strict order that he should be called if she wakes up. He checked her vitals and there was nothing to worry about which made him relieved. She was a fighter obviously.

It took him roughly 45 minutes to stitch her up. The anaesthetic she was given numbed her sense of pain and she laid not knowing what was happening or what he was doing but she felt safe with him. He wouldn't hurt her, hopefully. Even if he would she was numbed and was literally at his mercy.

She was taken by dizziness and was hallucinating due to the severity of the pain. She could see her Innaa with a plate of food but she knew it was just her brain playing with her then, the reality hit her that she was ALONE in this wicked world with no muse or interest in the future. Something reminded her of her father. His intense love and affection to her. If he were fine she could bet her life he wouldn't agree to subjecting his daughter to slavery.


Zayyad's body was weaken from yesterday's to and fro. He didn't stir till when the sun rose beautifully and his stomach was growling from intense hunger. His body was still sore and all he wanted was a warm, relaxing bath, then a soothing massage to ease his muscles.

He drew the blanket over and rolled to the other side of the bed not wanting to open his eyes. Someone rapped on his door and he cursed out loudly not thinking for a minute who it could be. He stared at the ceiling again, this wasn't what he planned for. He wanted to sleep for 10 hours straight for God's sake!!

He was flared when he saw the gate man standing by his door, wearing a torn babban riga. He looked disgustingly at him before he looked sideways and hissed. He wanted to slap him for making him stand up from his royal sleep.

" What is it? " he growled making the old man almost jumped out of his skin.

" Alhaji, I didn't see Layla since the day break. It's time for breakfast and still hasn't seen her move." he was regretting coming to see this pompous fool. Maybe she overslept. That could explain it.

Zayyad had forgotten totally about Layla or her condition. She was quite alive when he left earlier but things could go wrong and it wasn't even 24 hours but this guy has already started prying. It wasn't surprising though. For a girl that's punctual in her activities one could observe her absence.

" And you decided that she could be here? " he looked at him disgustingly, making the gate man almost run back to his hut.

Zayyad got infuriated that he has to find an explanation. He knew this would come but not so early or by the sorry looking gate man. Without thinking he said flatly.

" She slipped in the night so I took her to a clinic. Should be fine by now probably. Anything else?"

The gate man nodded indicating none and deep down thanking God that he didn't get a slap from him. He bowed slightly before taking his leave which Zayyad was glad to.

Zayyad's conscience was raised by the question the gate man asked. He had escaped the old man now but could he later on? He needed to strengthen everything and get away as early as possible. He went and had a long shower cursing the gate man again for waking him up. He would remove something from his salary this month. That would make him know how important sleep was to him.

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