Twenty- Three

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Ni'imah was loosing her hair as she reclined on the bed. Hajiya was seated at the edge of the bed answering a call from her sister, Bahiyya.

Hajiya turned to face Ni'imah after the call "you know what Ni'imah? I just don't get why Layla hasn't come back. Did we do anything to her or maybe me because you two get along."

" Mom, I honestly don't know too. She said things came up at home and if she would come back she's going to call and she hasn't even called me yet. But she really doesn't look herself. She looked sad." Ni'imah sighed.

"She's really a nice person." Hajiya said.

A vibration from Ni'imah's phone stopped their little chitchat. She hurried to the dressing mirror and unplugged her phone. It was Zayyad.

"Hey Baby Sis!!!" He said excitedly from his end.

"Heyy Big bro!!" She mirrored his excitement.

He had a soft spot for Ni'imah. She was his only sibling and his job as the big brother was to take care of her. They were very fond of each other. They spent minutes talking about tv shows he had recommended to her.

" Ya Zayyad, I really miss you. Come to Abuja we have a lot of catching up to do. And oh, I haven't really talked with my sister-in-law." She teased.

"Oh, that. I haven't much time to talk about it but when I come we will. How's Mom?" He said in attempt to changed topic.

Hajiya collected the phone from Ni'imah and he greeted her.

" Zayyad the groom." She teased.

He felt like strangling her but it was Mom. He feigned a smile.

"So, when are you visiting? You haven't visited us in a while. I'm sure it's not the wedding."

Really??? They are taking this seriously. The last time he visited them,that little devil almost made him had an attack. His legs were literally shaking. He could swear they were seeing the fear in his eyes. Thankfully, she managed to recover and since then, he always have a second thought whenever he think about visiting. It has been 3 months.

" Come over for a weekend." Hajiya said before giving the phone to Ni'imah who kept pleading and mentioning different delish she would cook for him if he agree to come.

" I'll make chapatti, orange juice, fruit salad, brown rice...."

"Okay, Okay, Fine you win. I'll come for a weekend."

His decision was partly because Ni'imah wouldn't take no as an answer and then he genuinely want to see Layla. To see how far she has done with her life. Had she moved on in real sense? Maybe he would corner her this time and have a real talk with her if she didn't slump and faint again. So be it. Come Friday, Layla would behold his sight and he wouldn't wait to see her reaction. Her face, that innocent face, those clear eyes still linger in whatever it was that he has to recollect her. She was the most innocent and alluring creature he had ever seen. If she had said yes, accepted his advances, they would have created a world of theirs filled with satiation to his lust. Beautiful Layla, innocent Layla. With that he came downstairs to meet Maama.

A calamity has befallen the household of Malam Abdullahi and with a full submission and conviction like a practicing Muslim he is, he had accepted it. The rumor of the abomination was everywhere in the town. He could sense how people look at him inquisitively. He had reserved himself to only market and Masjid and what he lost in the society, he tried to gain in getting close to Allah.

Malam Lawan was a childhood friend and a close one. They had grown up together and were also neighbors in the market. He was standing at the door of Abdullahi's house as he waited for him.

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