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Marina Claire's life had always been anything, but normal. The daughter of one of the most successful aurors in the wizarding world: Sandra Vargas and Niklaus Claire.  From the moment she was born her life revolved around magic and she loved every second of it. 

Coming from a long lineage of witches and wizards she was to keep her family's legacy of attending Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, and that she did. She remembers her first moments there as if it were yesterday.

The castle seemed never ending and she was in awe at the immeasurable bricked walls and the starry sky in the Great Hall. It was exactly how her father described it on their car ride to the train station to drop her off at Platform 9 3/4, and how his years in the school were some of the best years of his life.

"It's not real you know? It's just bewitched to look like the night sky, I read about it in Hogwarts: A History." Hermione Granger said, a Muggle-born witch, she met on the train. Marina was impressed at her new friend who was only just introduced to the world of magic. 

On the other hand, Ron and Harry, rolled their eyes at the know it all witch. Marina had known Ron since they were both in diapers, considering their parents were family friends. Though she had just been acquainted with Harry Potter, she had known about him before. Her father was very close friends with James Potter during their time at Hogwarts, and after as partners as aurors. Tragic really, his parents are known all over the wizarding world and Harry himself for surviving the Dark Lord.

Her thoughts about her new friends were broken by the sorting hat screaming her name. She remembers her palms sweating and her ligaments and muscles went weak as she took each step to the stool. 

"Hmm yes, what have we here another Claire. Your mother a clever soul almost placed her in Ravenclaw, but her ambitions were greater that led her to Slytherin. And your father a long lineage of Gryffindors wouldn't want to disappoint eh? No no, but you are not your parents, Marina Claire. There is something peculiar about you and you sense it don't you? You've pushed it away my dear: the vivid dreams, the lingering whispers. "

Her hands trembled at the hat spoke into her hear ear, because it was right. Though her life was anything from normal, it was even far from normal from your average witch. "There is greatness in me, there is good in me." She whispered with eyes shut and her hands clenching the sides of the wooden stool. Marina knew she had different abilities that she kept quiet about because the reality of them scared her. She knew she was brave and clever, her parents had raised her well to always honor integrity and honesty. 

"Of course there is, nothing wrong with peculiar abilities. Greatness is in your blood, it is up to you what you do with it. So better be GRYFFINDOR." Marina sighed at the relief of being sorted to the house she wanted. She ran to sit next to the Weasley twins while everyone on the table congratulated her. 

She shared a smile with Harry, Ron, and Hermione. She just knew that her years at Hogwarts would be okay with them along her side. Of course, so young and unaware, they did not know then about all the adventures and life threating events that the group would have to endure together. 

From Professor Quarrell's oversized head hoarding home to Voldemort, fighting off the Basilisk after the Chamber of Secrets was open and her and Harry spent the year with whispers lingering their everyday thoughts, and discovering Sirius Black taking shelter at the Shrieking Shack and discovering his innocence of being falsely accused and sentenced to Azkaban, the wizarding world's prison. 

And from this past school year, all the hardships her and Harry faced with the Triwizard Tournament, because their names were entered in by Barty Crouch Jr. under the disguise of Alastor 'Mad-Eye' Moody, by the influence of Polyjuice Potion. The tournament resulted in the death of Cedric Diggory, a sixth-year Hufflepuff. Most importantly, it resulted in the return of Voldemort, or as others like to call him, He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named. However, most of the public refused to believe this and thought that she and Harry were making this up for attention.

When Marina Claire said her life was far from normal she did not mean it and clique way, she was the embodiment of the exact opposite of mediocre. 

And it wouldn't be until the following year that everything would continue to go downhill. Marina thought she was losing her mind as both she and Harry kept hearing hushed whispers in the middle of the day that would leave her sleepless at night. Only sharing these moments with her friends of course and it keeping it a secret from her family and the rest of the world because even in the wizarding world, hearing whispers was not normal. She only hoped that her fourth year at Hogwarts would be stress-free considering that the Triwizard tournament would be taking place that year. Little did she know that would be far from it. 

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