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Marina laid unconsciously in the middle of a vampire coven's, living room. The Olympia Coven to be exact, at least that was what the Claire sisters were told in the quick introductions exchanged among them and the three strangers that their lunatic of a sister decided to chase down. 

Their names were Edward, Jasper, and Alice- part of the Olympia Coven- and here were the two Claire sisters were putting their faith in three strangers, three vampires. All because their sister needed help and they claimed that there was a doctor among their kind and with no wands on them. They were simply left with no choice but to follow them back to their home.

"She should awake, anytime now," Katarina murmured as she took hold of her sister's hand, squeezing lightly in hopes that.

"Happens to her, when she uses too much wandless magic," Care added. Both sisters sat side by side, on a black leather couch, not even thinking about how they were in a room filled with seven vampires.

"Wandless? Like you use wands?" One of the four vampires, that they had yet to introduce themselves to, asked. He was the tallest one of their lot, very bulky too, but he was mesmerizing to look at, all of them were really.

However, the Claire sister's paid no mind to his question as they anxiously waited.

"I'm sure they'll be happy to introduce themselves, once their sister awakens." One of the other vampires, a woman with a very warm compassionate look, answered for them.

Like a cue though, Marina jolted up from the table she laid on, gasping for air.

When I opened my eyes, everything was blurred. I didn't recognize the room I was in, let alone who was there with her but she could make out different sets of bodies surrounding her.

I began to slowly inhale and exhale as I tried to remember the turmoil of events that led me and my sisters to be in this position. She had chased down what seemed to be three vampires and now she was in their home, with even more sets of golden eyes looking at her.

My eyes scanned the room around me and I counted seven of them, they were some of the most beautiful creatures I had ever seen. I realized that this was the first time I was actually observing the three vampires I chased down, distraction-free. No need to worry about what would be the next incarnation I had to shoot or worry if the speed of my broom would eventually catch up to me and knock me down.

I studied the three familiar faces, as I tried my best to recollect the only images I had of them as I chased them down the dark forest.

I was in awe of how beautiful they all were, possibly even more stunning than the Veelas that I had previously met from Beauxbatons Academy of Magic, during the Triwizard Tournament, and that said a lot.

Veelas appear to be young, beautiful humans, that have their own magic without having to use a wand. They had a mystical, seductive power with the ability to hypnotize those intrigued by their beauty.

I wondered if these types of vampires possessed any similar power like that because there is no way their beauty did not have the capabilities to enchant someone.

"You bloody git, scaring us half to death! Your curiosity will one day catch up to you!" Katarina finally broke the silence and my thoughts as she lightly slapped my shoulder.

"I'm alive aren't I, though?" I sarcastically answered, which earned a couple of chuckles.

I leaned forward and slowly placed my feet flat on the floor, hopping off the table I laid on, but my knees went weak for a moment, and to my luck Care grasped on to my upper arm before I completely lost balance.

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