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The end of the summer vacation was approaching and Marina had slowly begun to grow fonder of the small rainy town of Forks, Washington.

It was a rather calm and cozy Sunday afternoon and she found herself at the Black's dining room table, scrapping off the last few bites of the chili that Sue Clearwater, a good friend of the Black's, had dropped off for them.

"So Mar, you Scots eat any good chili like this up there?" Billy Black, the patriarch of the Black household asked her, calling her by the nickname that Jake had given her earlier this summer.

Many of the days, she could be found at the Blacks or Cullens house, considering that her house was always empty due to her parent's heavy work schedule. This whole summer, they had been trying to search for any leads that would lead them back to any Deatheater activities.

They had also been working alongside the Order of the Phoenix, a secret society that was formed during the First Wizarding War and had resurfaced with the return of Voldemort. Though, Marina and her sisters didn't seem to know much due to their parents telling them that it was for the best that we didn't stick our noses up in their dangerous work.

Of course, she thought that was complete rubbish because they were just as much as part of the fight, as they were. At least Marina was, always in the middle of it with her friends.

Marina pushed her thoughts aside and brought her attention back to the conversation.

"Can't say that we do Mr. Black, so you bet I'm taking advantage of eating all of Ms. Cleartwater's food while I can," she responded with a warm smile.

"When did you say you have to go back again?" Jake asked as he made his way to the kitchen, to pick up the leftovers before him and his Father headed down to Charlie Swan's house.

"About three more weeks, we'll be flying out of Port Angeles," she playfully rolled my eyes at her response, knowing very well that our source of transportation was actually going to be most likely a portkey.

"We'll certainly miss having ya around kiddo, at least I know for sure Jake over there will," Billy added which earned a grown from Jake.

"Dad!" Jake exclaimed and she could see from across the room, his cheeks glow with a tint of pink.

"No need in denying what's obvious Jacob! We've hung out like every other day this whole summer with my sisters, Embry, and Quil."

"I won't miss your witty sarcastic comments that's for sure," Jake retorted.

"He'll miss ya nonetheless, now you sure you don't want to join us to watch the Football game down at the Swan house?" Billy asked.

Though Marina appreciated the invitation, she had already spent most of the day with Jacob, Embry, and Quil. They had spent the afternoon playing with a muggle deck of cards called Uno, in the Black's garage while they stuffed their faces with popcorn and strawberry licorice wands.

But now Marina's social stamina was completely drained and all she wanted was to spend some time alone.

"Oh no it's okay, thank you for the invite though," she answered. As much as she appreciated all things American like chili, the thought of having to sit through a football game made Marina want to take some sleeping draught and nap through it all.

However, she would probably be more concerned about having to have one on one time with Bella, while Charlie and Billy shared a couple of beers over the game and Jake way to into the game to pay attention to the girls.

She didn't have anything personal against the girl, but her demeanor was far too awkward, and it always felt like she was forcing her to talk. It had come as a surprise to her, to find out that she was dating Edward Cullen.

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