The den

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Black Hat was angry. There was a new den built in Demencia's room. She was persistent. Very. And he hated it. He studied it with great annoyance.

Blankets draped across an arrangement of pillows and practically everything that used to sit on her bed. It looked so... disgusting.

He glanced around the room for any signs of life. Nothing. Raising his hand, he conjured up a bright green flame. It flickered and weakened slightly, staying in place and dangerously close to the den. Black Hat stood a few inches away, lowering his hand onto it.

He stopped lowering his hand, glancing at the den for just a bit longer.

It wouldn't hurt to take a peek.

He could feel his reptilian instincts creeping up his spine, wrapping around his neck and choking him. Black Hat had to do this. He put out the flame, and lowered to his knees before the den's entrance.

His cold skin pricked at the thought of warming up within the blankets... he hated the instinct. It was why he burnt the den in the first place. Demencia had the same instincts as him due to the lizard DNA that was part of her now. She wasn't afraid to give into what was apart of her. Unlike Black Hat.

He sighed, pulling the drapes apart that hung near the entrance.

Entering Demencia's den... it shook him. His brain was set on doing so already, but the thought still lingered in the back of his head.

New Beginnings (LizardHat) VillainousWhere stories live. Discover now