The Blind Bandit

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Aang: Hey, Y/N, wake up!
He proceeded to throw a nut at me.
Y/N: Oh, good, I was just in the middle of the most traumatising dream-memory thing in the world!!
I screamed, very sarcastically.
Sokka: Blinded- story- thing again?
Y/N: Yeah...
Katara: Come on Please, let's get moving!!
Aang: Boomi said I needed to find someone that 'Listens before they strike'.
He kept talking...
Y/N: Are we going or not Aang?
We where all on Appa, except Aang, of course.

///A few Hours later///

We where at this torment thing, to try and find Aang a teacher.
Katara: This is gonna be tonnes of guys throwing rocks at each other- isn't it?
Sokka: That's What I payed for!

It was pretty much exactly what Katara said, Tonnes of guys throwing rocks at other. I really didn't enjoy what was going on. This big racket!
I dosed off, naturally.

I was forced awake as someone screamed:
By the movement of the air, (That's how I see), it was a light girl, holding a massive belt.
Sokka was screaming something about 'The Boulder' within the first few seconds. He's louder than anyone, I'm sure.
Aang: That's it! She 'Listens before she Strikes!'

Katara: Oh yeah! What do you think about that sight Y/N?
I looked at them with the 'You forgot about the permanent state my eyes' look.
Aang: Oh...right, sorry.

///Literally 25 minutes later///

We are in a building.
In a garden.
Y/N: I'm a bit...skeptical about this...
Sokka: What about it?
Y/N: It pretty self explanatory- here we are, in another family's garden, spying, not to mention that Katara froze two guys just a minute ago!

Katara: Um...Yeah, I have nothing to sa-
She was interpreted by us being shot in the air. Sokka had the misfortune of landing on the ground. I 'saw' her- the girl at the Stadium.
???: What are you doing here Twinkle-Toes?!
Strangely enough, I recognized the voice.
Y/N: Twinkle- Toes, huh?
Aang: How'd you know it was me?
Sokka: Don't answer to Twinkle- Toes, it's not MANLY!

Katara: Your the one whose bag matches his belt...

???: How did you find me?

Aang: Well, a Crazy- King told me I had to find an EarthBender who listens to the Earth...And then I had a vision of a magic swamp, and-

Katara: What Aang is trying to say is, he's the Avatar, and if he doesn't master EarthBending by the End of the summer, he won't be able to defeat the Fire Lord.

???: Not my problem! Now, get out of here! Or I'm calling the Guards.
She started walking away, but stopped when Sokka started talking,
Sokka: Look, we all have a part to play in this war, and yours is to teach Aang EarthBending.

???: Guards!!

We all ran. In the distance I heard a guard say,
Guard: Toph, what happed?

Toph? I could have sworn I heard that before, but I didn't have time to remember....

Aang has thought of trying to have dinner with the family. Unfortunately, it worked.

Mr.BeiFong: Blow on it- It's too hot for her!

Aang: Allow me!

He demonstrated a basic AirBending form, making a small sized typhoon. Everyone clapped. I found this kind of funny, because it was pretty much the first thing the Monks teach us, and everyone is so impressed.

Everything they said was a bit blurred until...

Mr.BeiFong: ...and sadly because of her blindness, she would never become a true master...

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 23, 2019 ⏰

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