Chapter 1. Three years doesn't mean much?

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This chapter has a bit of back and forth with the Pov's. Sorry if it's annoying. Thanks for reading! Comment what you think, vote, and please keep reading this! It's gonna be an interesting story(; xx


Bailey's Pov: 

"Are you sure he's coming?" The waitress asks me for the billionth time in twenty minutes. I roll my eyes, once again giving her the same nod of my head. That bitch just needs to go mind her business, she was making me feel even worse about him being so late. 

I take out my phone, noticing that I don't have any missed calls or texts. He couldn't even contact me? Really? I dial his number angrily.

"Babe where are you?" I ask into the phone, keeping my eyes on the door of the restraunt. Why do I even ask? He doesn't give me a real answer anyways. His normal stumbles, changing the subject, and the distract with lovey dovey stuff was all old by now.

"I'm seriously almost there. Like two minutes at the least. I got so caught up at the law firm, dad just doesn't know when to stop talking." Aston replies with worry in his voice. He didn't even hesitate saying any of it. Practicing our lying, aren't we?

I tap my foot impatiently as I roll my eyes. "Mhm. Yeah, just get here soon."

Harry's Pov: 

Fluttering my eyelashes open, I take in my surroudings slowly. Probably around noonish, the light was beaming through the windows, and I had gone to bed late last night, or should I say really early this morning? My bedroom was a complete mess, clothes everywhere and some things that were on my shelves and dresser was scattered on the floor; some broken. I had my arm around a figure, and as I turn to it to see what it was, I do a face palm. 

Cuddled up against me was Jenny. In my bed. My shared apartment; where I knew I couldn't easily just ditch with leaving a sweet note. I would have to wait for her to wake up, and then make up an excuse.

"Shit," I mumble. I know the kind of girl Jenny is. Last night all she talked about was her future. That's a sign for wanting to actually have a stable relationship, meaning someone who she could fit into her fantasy picture with. 

Bailey's Pov: 

I eye the boy with a wrinkled suit on as he walks towards the booth he had reserved for us tonight. He was twenty four minutes late exactly. From his dad's law firm office to here would be over half an hour, and when I called him it was only ten minutes ago. Not trying to state the obvious, but he wasn't there tonight. If only he would tell me though. 

With a smile on his face, he walks over giving me a kiss on my forehead and then sitting across from me. He let's out a hi, but I stay silent with my eyesbrows raised. 

Aston takes a sip of his water and lets out a nervous chuckle. "So how was your day?" I ask him stirring my straw around in my soda. Let me guess? Such a hard day, abercrombie called for more photoshoots, and his dad was on his ass. 

He groans. "It was like any other really. Went by so slowly, work sucked. My dad kept chewing my ass out every minute." There's two of his same lies already. "Oh, I have some photoshoots on Monday night, so I won't be able to go see that movie with you. What is it called? The green life of Timmy?" He asks me.

I roll my eyes. "Odd life of Timothy Green." I tell him. He nods his head, and the red stains of lipstick on his neck is perfectly visible as he does this. 

Harry's Pov: 

Don't make a single move, Harry. This is life or death here. Either I can bounce from my own apartment and leave her the note I already had planned out in my head, or just wake her up and tell her to go home with an excuse. I couldn't take this girl for another minute, she was drooling on me. 

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