Chapter 3. The Notebook, Wine, & a Misunderstanding.

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"I dont get it." I tell Harry in between chews of the pasta. I reposition myself on the couch, laying on my side with my legs across Harry's lap. I had spilled a bit of the pasta as I did this on the floor, but I just leave it there. He'll clean it later I bet.

He looks at me confused, reminding me of my own face. "How?" The boy asks me with a look that said 'you're an idiot'. Well Mr. Know-it-all, I haven't seen The Notebook a thousand and one times like you have, that's how. It's surprising though right? Every living being has seen this movie, I swear but I'm not a fan of lovey dovey movies. It just so happens that Harry wanted to watch this one tonight, the night where I'm still pissed/depressed about my breakup.

"Well who are these old people?" I ask him annoyed. "I like watching Allie and Noah."

He chuckles. "Who do you think they are then?" Harry tells me referring to the pair of old people. Does that mean that they are Allie and Noah? I gasp surprised.

"But she doesn't know who that is!" I cry.

"Just keep watching!" He groans, trying to keep watching it. I roll my eyes. How am I supposed to enjoy this when I dont even understand any of it. Ugh.

I shuffle around a little bit, tryint to make our seating arrangements more comfortable. I was laying down on my side with my feet plopped ontop of Harry's lap; the plate of my already downed pasta on my side.

As the movie is getting near the end, I take a peak at Harry who is in tears, some plopping down on my leg. He is such a baby.

He looks over at me with a frown when I poke his sides with my toes. "Stop it. You're so immature." He mumbles. "And insensitive."

I gawk. Me? Seriously? "Ok sorry I'm not crying, but aren't you the one who leaves girls alomost every morning?"

He shrugs, wiping his fallen drops from his cheeks. "That's different."

"No! God if only you were put in the shoes."

"Hell no, first of all I don't want that kind of relationship. You know how I'n always busy. You're lucky I'm even spending time with you right now." He chuckles. "I cant commit, it isn't my fault they get the wrong vibe."

I sit up and push the plate onto the table. All guys are the same, huh? "You sound like Aston, that's what he wants. You know what else he said to me? To pretty much throw myself around for a little bit and then we can get back together. You don't even know how much I love him still, though he's a pig."

"Maybe you should just forget about him, and join in with the easier relationships." He leans his head on his elbow that was propped up from the arm rest. He sighs. "That even sounds like hell, staying with someone for so long. I like change."

"It was hell, I worried too much about him and our future together, which is now looking like shit." I say annoyed. How did I fall so hard for him, without even knowing the real him? "I definitely need to change this whole 'Stick to a guy thing'!"

Harry gets up and claps his hands. "We need alcohol!"

I smile and point to the fridge. "Go get it!"


I slam my shot down with a small bang on the coffee table. The liquor burned my throat as it made its way down it, and making my stomach swirled. "Hit me," I tell Harry pouring him another glass of the Grey Goose. Second bottle of Grey Goose that is.

He pours me more and then chugs his own down. His phone rings, and he quickly turns it off. "Ha, that was Allison. Again. She doesn't know when to stop."

"You shouldn't have slept with her then." I slur.

"You are so right!" He throws his hands up in the air. "I need a girl who wont commit, wont get all clingy, and only wants it for the sex. But of course you can't find someone like that without it getting weird."

I laugh. "I apprently need to start being that way."

Harry stays silent for a few moments, having a thought on his mind. He was circling his pinky finger around the ring of his cup and staring at the off TV.

He looks at me with a glint of wonder in his eye. "Lets do it!"

"Do what?" I ask him.

"Have sex like we dont own eachother, like rent eachother out! I need a not so clingy girl, and you need to lay back. It won't be weird because your like my bestfriend!"

I stare at him in shock, my mouth open a little. Is he kidding me? I couldn't even think about kissing him. Or anything sexual. Holy shit no.

"Wouldn't it be weirder since were best friends?" I say trying to get that idea out of his head.

"No? Common we don't have feelings for eachother like that."

I definetely don't, but even thinking about having sex with Harry just said bad idea all over it. Harry does have a nice body, abs, muscles, green eyes, curls. Yeah he's attractive, but I just can't. For sure.

"Go get a prostitute or something! I can't do that."

I get up from the couch and make my way up the glass, spiral stairs.

He frowns, crinkling his eyebrows together. "Offer opens! I know you cant resist!" I roll my eyes closing my bedrooms door. I wonder if he was in that much of a need for a non stable relationship, or was just too drunk.

Maybe just a few strings attached. 1D♥Where stories live. Discover now