Chapter 20- Reward, Punishment, and Preparations Oh My!

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(y/n) POV

"What's your idea Daddy?" I asked

Suddenly, Kookie gripped my thighs and pulled me closer to him so I was straddling him.

I heard Jin give of a warning growl, but Kookie didn't listen. He captured my lips with his. This kiss was different than any other time we kissed. It felt more.....hungry....more....rushed. It was strange.

He then moved his hand from my waist to my butt and squeezed, making me gasp. That's what he wanted. He shoved his tongue in my mouth, making me squeak at the new feeling.

I was quickly ripped away from Kookie. When I looked up, Yoongi pinned him to the bed. Did I do something wrong? Why is he mad at Kookie?

"Jeon Jungkook. (Y/n) may be our mate and your submissive, but we've known him for a week, and he's in little space! You don't know if he's actually comfortable with you mouth fucking him! Looks like you need a punishment little boy...." Yoongi said, carrying Jungkook out of the room before anyone could protest.

Seeing my distressed state, Jin quickly enveloped me in his arms. "Are you okay little prince?"

"Why...why is Daddy Suga ma-mad at Daddy Kookie?"

"Sweetie, Jungkookie did something he wasn't supposed to. Yoongi is going to punish Jungkook because of it."

"What did-what did he do wrong? He said he was-he was giving me a re-reward. Did-did he lie?"

"No,no baby, it's just that what Kookie did wasn't a reward you can have yet. That's a very special reward that we can't give to you right now. Eventually, you can have that kind of reward." Tae said, stroking Jimin. (don't take that the wrong way-_-) He then explained that was what Jimin told him to say after the calico let out a mewl of disapproval.

"I...I don't under-understand why Daddy Kookie ca-can't give me... give me the special reward. He loo-looked happy!"

"My little muse, what Jungkook did was a grown up thing that we can only do after you really really feel comfortable around us. Please listen to daddies and accept you can't have that yet" Namjoon said, placing a butterfly kiss on my head.

With a whine, I cooperated. The kiss felt....good. I'm kinda disappointed now...

Hobi turned on Netflix as the others readjusted themselves so they're comfortable. I was laid between everyone, holding onto the llama stuffy I secretly call Laurenette. I was handed a sippy cup with some apple juice in it, and I gratefully began to drink it.

A strange noise was heard from downstairs, and Hobi turned the volume of the movie up louder. " Daddy, what was that?"

Hoseok POV

"Daddy, what was that?" Our little baby asked. Oh shit, I forgot Yoongi likes to make the subs scream. Shiiiit I need an excuse. "It-it's just the bed! Yeah...the bed. It creaks sometimes"

"But I heard it fr-from downstairs...." he mumbled, not believing me. Curse you Min Yoongi and your dominant nature.

"Don't worry about it little sunshine. Just watch the movie."

"Daddy! What if-what if someone's hurt!!" He tried to wiggle out of our grips to try and see what was wrong. Tae held him back

I grabbed (Y/n) chin and made him look at me. "Sunshine, I don't want to be mean to you, but if you keep disobeying me you're not going to like what happens. I promise nothing is wrong. Relax and watch the movie"

With a final whine, (Y/n) turned his attention to the random film playing as he hugged his stuffed animal and drank his juice. I felt guilty, so I ran my hand through his hair a bit and kissed the top of his head as an apology. (Y/n) realized what I was doing and whispered a cute 'it's ok daddy'

I don't deserve this adorable cinnamon bun.

A few moments later, we heard another loud moan from the bunny, and I was forced to turn up the tv a little more. (Y/n)'s eyes darted to the door, clearly distressed.

Jimin nuzzled himself against (Y/n) as he mindlinked me on what he wants to say. "Please tell (Y/n) that everyone's okay and that I'll semi-explain to him what happened when he's in big space"

I relayed what Jimin said, and it seemed to calm the little down a bit.

Another hour later, (Y/n) was now in big space, finished with his juice, and the movie ended.

We didn't hear any more noises, thank god, so we're assuming Jungkook is done receiving his punishment and they should be joining us soon.

"Can you tell me what was going on now?" (Y/n) asked, anxious to know what those sounds were

I told him what Jimin wanted to tell him. "Do you remember that Yoongi hyung took Jungkook away for his punishment?"

(Y/n) looked confused for a moment, trying to remember what happened during his little space, then blushed furiously. "Did-did they...Aish I don't want to say it!!!!" He yelled hiding his red face in his arms.

"If you think they fucked, then yeah, you're right. Don't be shy (Y/n)" I leaned closer to him so I could whisper in his ear "Soon you'll be screaming our names too. Better get used to it sunshine"

(Y/n)'s face got even more red as he fell back on the bed, curled up in a ball trying to avoid looking at us.

I received a smack from Jin, but I know he was thinking the same thing. We may have just met around a week ago (I can't keep track of tiiiime) but we are still his mates, and our animal side has been dying to ravage the boy.

Namjoon picked him up and held him against his chest right as a tired looking duo walked in. Jungkook had a flushed face with droopy ears. He kneeled in front of the bed nearest (Y/n) and apologized profusely, probably because Yoongi made him.

(Y/n) just blushed and stuttered out an 'it's ok'

Jungkook waddled back to the tiger and received a kiss for apologizing and taking the punishment well.

"So (Y/n), out of curiosity, have you thought of who you would like to turn you yet? We probably should have told you this earlier, but me and Jimin can't turn you since I turned Jimin and Jimin isn't a hybrid by blood." Yoongi said

"I-I don't understand"

"Hybrids can only turn one person, so since I turned Jimin I can't also turn you. Only Hybrids born with their animal counterparts can turn people as well. Since Jimin was born human, he doesn't possess the hormone needed to turn someone"

(Y/n) nodded and stammered out his response. "I-I want Namjoon to turn me"

The wolf beamed as he held (Y/n) tighter. His eyes were squinted shut and he had a huge grin on his face. "Thank you (Y/n) this means a lot to me. I promise I'll take care of you! When do you want to do this?"

"I'm not sure when's best...."

"I think tomorrow would be ok. Is that okay with the rest of you?" The excited wolf asked us. I completely forgot that we wouldn't be able to see him for at least a week

We all nodded, and ran to our rooms to get different articles of clothing for (Y/n) and Namjoon to leave their scents on.

(Y/n) was clad in my shirt, Yoongi's hoodie, and Jungkook's sweatpants. Namjoon was put into Jimin's sweater Jin's hat, and Taehyung's jeans. After their scent made an impression on the fabrics, we made them switch, so we all had an article of clothing with both of their scents on it.

After that ordeal, we all climbed into bed, curling around each other, glad to be surrounded by the seven we love so much. 

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