Chapter 27-- Time to Prove Myself

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(y/n) Pov

I watched woefully as Jungkook winced every time Yoongi dabbed peroxide on the injury I caused. My tail instinctively wrapped around me as my ears lied flat.

I didn't realize I was whining until Jungkook picked me up and placed my woebegone self in his lap. "Baby I'm okay I promise. Don't worry about it, dear. See? Yoongi hyung's all done and I don't feel a thing." He gave me a patient smile as he began to bounce me.

"I'm really so-"

"Ah, ah, ah. None of that. What did Hobi say? We all know you didn't do it on purpose and it's time we forget about it. Now eat, sweetie." Jin swept in and placed dish after dish in front of us. I immediately caught sight of the omelette and reached out to get some before it was gone.

Taehyung saw my interest in the food and placed a large helping of it on my plate. I quickly gobbled it down, savoring the egg and veggies blended together expertly by my oldest mate.

My mates, my daddies, the only people I feel safe around any more. And they're finally allowed to be mine, and I'm theirs. No one can separate us. I'm stronger now, I can stand up for myself and my daddies. The HEA has nothing on us now.

I looked up from my plate to see Jimin writing something down in a notebook, glancing around to see what was on my plate and observing my new appendages.

"Daddy Chimmy, What are you doing?" I asked, reaching out for more berries and eggs.

"Just writing down some things I'm noticing about you, like what your wanting to eat and how your ears move so we can see what it means later." He explained smiling his eye smile at me. "And I must say you are so much cuter than I remember."

I ducked my head, grinning like an idiot. God I missed hearing these compliments from them.

" I hate to be the one to bring this up, but I think we need to talk about (Y/n)'s possible job." Yoongi suddenly spoke up, wiping his mouth with his napkin.

Possible job? Oh wait! Miss Barem's bar. I completely forgot about that interview! Has she gave the position to someone else? Was the see busted?

"(Y/n) calm down. We managed to convince Miss Barem's that you were just sick and needed a couple weeks. My love, are you still interested in working there?" Jin questioned.

"Wait, who's Miss Barem's? What job?" Namjoon cut in.

"Oh right, Namjoon doesn't know. Miss Barem's runs a cosplay karaoke bar downtown. (Y/n) applied there before we found him." Taehyung explained.

Namjoon nodded, but it quickly morphed into confusion. "Wait, so Miss Barem called here to set up an interview with (Y/n) while he was still shifting?" The size other boys nodded. "Surely she would have known (Y/n) was wanted by the HEA right?"

"Miss Barem only hires humans in hiding. That's why her business is a cosplay bar. It hides out lack of an animal side easier." I told them.

"That...makes a lot of sense." Jungkook muttered.

"Well, even if Miss Barem provides a sanctuary for humans, (Y/n) could still be in danger. Even though you're now a hybrid, your face is the same. Someone may recognize you." Hoseok warned. "Baby we just got that jerk off your trail. I don't want him to find you again."

I tugged my bottom lip between my teeth. "But I would be in the house all day, not doing anything to benefit all of you. I'd just be draining your money since I couldn't make any of my own."

"Flower,  we have enough money to last all 8 of us for millennia. You would be no burden to us if you chose not to work."

"But Hobi, I don't want to just be a sitting duck inside all day. I want to be able to pay for things too and prove myself. Jimin gets to work normally so why can't I?"

The seven shared a look. Many beats of silence passed before Jimin spoke up. "(Y/n) if you truely want to work at Miss Barem's, you can. But we won't take anything lightly. We're going to teach you how to defend yourself and we'll establish a system so we can help you if for some reason some thing goes wrong."

I leaped off of Jungkook's lap and hugged each of them. "Thank you! I promise I won't let you down. I could work in the kitchen! No one would see me and I could even learn how to help Jinnie cook!"

"Kitten we know you can do it. I'll go get the phone so you can call Miss Barem and set everything up." Taehyung said as he rubbed the base of my ears.

??? Pov

My fingers pressed the button on the device, the Master's ringing through instantly.

"Sir, your betrothed is going to Miss Barem's interview in two days. He'd be working in the kitchen if accepted, which is practically guaranteed. When should be orchestrate the raid?"

His sinister laugh came through after a moment of silence. "Wait one week after my mate's first day. Is there anything like a communication device that would pose an issue?"

"No sir. The only hindrance would be his own stubbornness."

"Good. Relay these orders to the teams."

"Yes sir."

"Amy, are you insane? Why did you lie to the boss?!" My colleague whisper-screamed beside me.

"Relax, Soojung. Sabotaging this mission means we buy them time to get out. Sending the boss on a wild goose chase means he'll screw up, which means I have a chance to rise to power."

She sighed "Amy that's an insane plan. There's too many variables and too many unaccounted for issues. If you fail your head will be mounted to his wall!"

"We'll see about that, Soojung."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 11, 2020 ⏰

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