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Have you ever been addicted? Not to music or a movie, no, this isn't an addiction, this is you being passionate about what you love. I'm talking about a real addiction when you fall asleep and wake up with the same hunting thought when you crave it and can't seem to let go of the thought of it when it becomes the only thing in your head... when you lose yourself to save HIM.

When I was a child I always had everything I ever wanted, That's what happens when your mum is the CEO of a building company. She was busy most of the time and couldn't spend much time with me and my two little twin brothers Mason and Riley but she tried as much as she could.

My dad left my mum when he found out she was pregnant with me. Fortunate for my mum, my grandpa, dad's father, adored her and after my dad disappeared he gave her an internship in his company, now after eighteen years, she became the CEO after grandpa's retirement. eight years after my so-called father left me and my mum she met Dylan, he is the father of the twins, I call him by his name even though he treats me like I'm his daughter he is cool with it and I know that if I will need help he'll always be there for me.

That was my background story now a little bit about myself.

My name is Ruby Oliver and I'm eighteen years old I'm a freshman in college, I work as a waitress to afford half of my college tuition, now you must be asking yourself why am I working if my family is rich enough to afford it, because I want to be independent and achieve everything by myself, I want to look back in a couple of years and be proud of myself for doing everything on my own without my mum's money. She still helps me though, she bought me an apartment close to campus so I won't have to share a dorm room with someone, I didn't want her to do that but she insisted and I had to agree with her, I pay my bills and buy groceries so that still counts as an independent.

It's crazy how we can look back a year ago and see how much everything has changed. The amount of people that have left and entered your life and the unforgettable memories you made and the memories you wish you could's crazy how it all happened in one year.

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