chapter 6

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When I opened my eyes I nearly choked. A white Tesla was parked at the backyard of grandpa's house.

"Oh my gosh, no I can't accept that," I say as I move closer to the car and touch it, this car is everything, it's big and beautiful and if Dylan helped to pick this car for me which I'm sure he did it must be safe which is very important.

"I can," Ethan says and raises his hand.

"You can't even ride the bicycle, how will you ride this?" Mason chuckled. and I looked at him smiling.

"sweetheart that's a present which means you can and should accept that, "Mum tells me, it's not that I don't want to accept that, I do, but this is such an expensive gift I just feel uncomfortable accepting it.

"I...I really don't know what to say" I say as I hug grandpa and smile at the rest of them.

"Just promise me to be careful," grandpa tells into my ear and I nod.

This day started terribly and then got even worse, but now having all the people I care about and I know that they care about me too celebrating my birthday is the best feeling ever, I couldn't ask for a better family and I would never under any circumstances replace any of them.

"I think you should try this new vehicle of yours," Dylan tells me and I literally jump into the car. It feels so big in here and I'm not used to that feeling, I drove cars before but all those cars were grandpa's and now having my own car especially that one just feels surreal to me. When I was riding around the territory of grandpa's mansion I saw a motorcycle outside the gates. NO...please not now...Please, I was begging that it's not who I think it is.

When I got back from my ride I parked the car and went inside, I went to the kitchen to pour myself a glass of water when I turned around and saw Kai talking to granda I dropped the glass into the floor and it shattered. They both turned to me and Kai had the same expression as me,

"Darling are you alright?" grandpa asks me and I can't let the words out of my mouth, I'm caught in Kai's gaze, Why is he looking at me like that? and why can't he just look away? grandpa looks at me and then at Kai and asks...

"You know each other?"

"No," I say at the same time as Kai says yes, why did he say that? I don't know him, yes we met a couple of times including this morning but those were all accidents that I don't feel like discussing right now especially with grandpa and especially in front of that tattooed rude annoying boy.

"What's going on?" grandpa asks again and I finally break through Kai's gaze and answer him.

"I served him at the bar I just forgot about it for a moment," I say and pray that Kai won't say anything. He looks at me and then says

"Yes, that's how I know her," he says, I wasn't expecting that, not from him. I thought he would expose us not that there is something to expose really.

"Oh I see so you already met the new security guard of the mansion," Grandpa tells me and my jaw drops and literally touches the floor. No way he is the new guard, that means I will see him more often then I thought, no I can't believe that this is happening right now. He just stands there and looks at his phone, I guess that's what he does when he doesn't want to be involved in what's happening around him, actually, I found that quite ironic because he told me this morning that I wasn't paying attention to what was going on around me because of my phone while he is doing the exact same thing.

"Um wow congratulations," I tell him and I know that it sounds so fake and like I don't mean it but I wasn't expecting those news.

"Thank you" Is all he says as he looks at me, I would rather if he ignored me like he did at the bar. why am I so irritated by him and his presence, I feel like all the oxygen got sucked out of my lungs and I can't form a proper sentence when he is around.

"Grandpa, I should go, I have things to do today, thank you for the birthday party and the gift," I tell him and he hugs me, I see Kai looking at me to be more specific, I go to the living room to say goodbye to everyone else there and thank them for coming and making this day better then what it was.

When I go into the living room I see that everyone is there except Ethan which means that I will have to go home alone, I don't want to take the car today I will take it later.

"Guys thank you for coming and the gift and just everything you did for me today. Thank you." I tell them and mum comes to me and hugs me, she tells me to be careful and that she loves me, I tell her that I love her too and that I really need to go. The truth is that I want to be out of here while Kai is still here I know that this is stupid and childish but I need a break and I still have the ice cream back at my apartment so that's how I will celebrate the rest of this day.

"Guys, where is Ethan by the way?" I ask them before I leave.

"He said he had a date," Mason tells me, what?? why didn't Ethan tell me that?!

"It was supposed to be a secret! you dumbass" Riley sighs.

"Hey that is important information," I tell Riley and he rolls his eyes.

"Ok Bye guys," I say and wave at everyone before I leave the house.

While I was walking toward the gate I saw Kai standing right next to his motorcycle, I just walked passed him without looking at him but he stopped me by gently touching my arm.

"Wait, I need to speak with you," He tells me as I turn to look at him.

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