Chapter 36.

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Usually, I never go to parties alone, I never go to parties at all just when I'm with Ethan but tonight is different, tonight I feel like I am a different person. I want to go out on my own and have fun, I know that I won't have a lot of drinks since I don't like it that much I am doing it for the sake of the experience.
I decide to wear my black leather skirt that reaches the middle of my thighs and a white crop top with my high thigh boots. I don't think it's too revealing but it does make me look like I have curves. I don't put a lot of makeup just a little bit of brown eyeshadow with mascara and red lipstick to add some color to my look.

When I made it to the club I pushed my way through the crowded dance floor straight to the bar, I feel out of my element being here alone but that's normal considering the fact that I had never done this, I don't even know what I will drink. And what if this place doesn't allow underage drinking which is most likely to happen, instead of overthinking it I take a seat at the bar and go through the menu of the alcoholic drinks.
It has Vodka, beer, wine, tequila, brandy, whisky, mojito and a lot of other stuff that I've never heard of.
I decide to start with the mojito and then see what happens, my goal tonight is to try everything on that menu...well, everything I've heard about before.

"Would you like to order?" the bartender asks me just when I was about to call him myself.

"Hey, yes, can I get a mojito, please?" I tell him my order and he gives me a strange look before handing me the glass with the drink.

"Can I see your I.D?" he asks me and my blood turns cold, I got into the club without my I.D because the security guy was busy with some drunk dude and I snuck in behind a group of girls that already showed him their I.Ds. Now he is looking at me waiting for me to show him the I.D and I have absolutely no idea how do I solve this problem, maybe I should just run, he won't be able to find me in the crowded dance floor and by the time... What am I thinking, who am I?! Making up scenarios in my head to get away from a night club because I'm underage, since when I am this person?!

Just when I was about to confess some girl that looks familiar asks the bartender for a refill. I know for a fact that I've seen her before but I just can't remember when. She caught me staring at her and smiled, obviously she does know who I am.

"Hey girl, long time no see," she says to me and it takes me a moment to realize that it's Jess, Kai's friend.

"Hey, " I say smiling at her, I like her and she and her boyfriend Justin were the nicest to me out of their group of friends but if she's here that means that the men I've been avoiding for the past 2 weeks and the reason why I'm here trying to get drunk unsuccessfully might be here as well and that's a very... very bad sign.

"You know her Jess?" the bartender asks her, it seems like they know each other, well maybe because she is coming here quite often.

"Yeah Pete, that's Ruby the girl who turned K.J down," she says and the bartender hands me a shot of Vodka instead of the mojito I ordered.
I don't know who told them that I turned him down, maybe Kai did but why would he do that I thought he wouldn't want people to know about it.

"Girl you're a legend cheers to that," he says, then he hands Jess a shot of Vodka as well and he himself raises a bottle of water since I assume he is not allowed to drink while working, Jess finishes her drink in a matter of seconds while I wait and just look at her,

"Drink it, Ruby," she says and I look at the little glass in my hand waiting for me to finish it, I know that I wanted to start easy but now it doesn't matter anymore so I just close my eyes and finish the whole thing, it burns my throat so bad and I don't understand why people drink it willingly, this drink is horrible.

"Another round" Jess says and Takes the shot I do the same just to achieve my goal tonight even though I have to suffer first.

"What are you doing here?" Jess asks me after the fifth round of drinking, I feel dizzy which is good, that means the method of getting myself drunk is working.

"Drinking" I answer her and raise my hand for another round.

"I can see that, but why? I thought you were the good girl who doesn't drink especially alone in the middle of a night club," she says, she is right I was the good girl who pleased everyone around and now I'm treating myself the way I want to.

"Circumstances" I answer while finishing the sixth drink and raising my hand to order the seventh.

"Where are your friends?" I ask her, I was thinking it why did I say it out loud?! Well, I guess that's the Vodka, not me anymore.

"Justin and Kai will be here any minute and Alex broke her arm so she won't be here tonight" She answered but all I heard was "Kai will be here any minute" I don't even care anymore, I will just mind my own business and ignore him I won't let him ruin my night, because I'm having fun and no one will stop me.

"We should dance," I say and look at the dance floor.

"Ruby maybe you should stop drinking for a while," she says with a worried expression but I ignore it, I just grab her hand and drag her to the dance floor but I bump into something, it takes me a second to see that I bumped into someone, not something.

"Ruby?" I see Kai standing right in front of me.

"Oh shit," I say and immediately cover my mouth out of embarrassment.

"Jess I think you're right I should go home," I say to her and start walking I trip and fall onto Justin accidentally.

"Oh hey Justin, what's up?" I say and try to study myself he looks confused, that's funny, the look on his face is hilarious so I just start laughing out of nowhere and I know that I look stupid but I can't stop it.

"Jess, what the fuck?" Kai is angry and that makes me laugh even more.

"Let's go I'll take you home" Kai grabs my arm but I jerk away and stop laughing.

"I don't wanna go home, I was about to dance... so move," I say and go further into the dance floor, I have no idea what I'm doing and if it's even considered as a dance, whatever.

Suddenly I feel someone from behind me touching my butt and his hand keeps going down, no matter how drunk I might be I know that this is not good, I turn around and push him away from me but he keeps coming closer,

"Go away" I scream and kick him between his legs, I run to the exit to be more specific I walk myself to the exit of the club just to see the jerk I've been avoiding for weeks.

"Now you done?" he asks. It's funny how he acts as if he cares about me while I know he doesn't give a damn.

"Yes, move I wanna go home," I say but he doesn't move, he looks into my eyes and even though I'm drunk I still feel the heat and the tingling feeling down my stomach, the way he just licked his lip and the way his jaw is clenching while looking at me,

"So you are done dancing?" he says with this annoying smirk on his face.

"Kiss me," I say and it takes me a second to realize that I said what I was thinking out loud again.


what do you think about this chapter and what would you do if you were Ruby?

Have a great day, love you guys💗💗💗🌸

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