Chapter Eleven

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Surpringly, both begin to stir and wake rather early. It's mostly because neither stayed up particularly late watching Hulu on Jack's laptop, but they veiw it as an accomplishment one the less.

Mark is particularly reluctant to get out of bed, not that he's ever thrilled to start the day. The idea of going to the convention today makes his bones feel like steel in his body, weighing and anchoring him further into the bed. He feels he needs the least amount of human interracion today possible.

This may be because he's still hitter at the world. Everyone seems to suddenly want what he does. Either that, or he's just now noticing everyone else's attraction to Jack. Reguardless, its aggitating to watch the world try to steal his source of joy. Now he's expected to go watch a whole load of people craving his attention.

He'd rather spend all day running amuck with Jack. The two could have so much fun without the rest of rhe world and its nonesense. Surely Jack needs a break too. but, they cant just skip out on a day, can they?

Mark sits up in bed and finds Jack bent over to put on his shoes. He's rockin' a long sleeve grey shirt and a pair of faded blue jeans. When he glances back, he catches Mark watching and blushed deeply, but smiles to cover it.

"Morning." He says, rubbing the nape of his neck casually. Mark gets lost for a moment, catching his friend in the light in ways he hates himself for missing all these years.

"Wanna skip today?" Mark blurts, his eyes never leaving Jack's. Jack raises an eyebrow at the question.

"What?" He asks through a chuckle. Surely he hadnt heard correctly.

"Skip the convention with me. Lets go do something fun." Mark beams up at Jack with his offer. Jack furrows his eyebrows, looking at Mark as if he'd been asked to run away with him. Mark suddenly leaps outta bed and bounds over to his bag and clothes, a newfound burst of energy making an appearance.

"We cant just ski-" Jack starts, still chuckling incredulously, but Mark cuts him off.

"Why not?" He blurts once more, putting on his jeans. Jack goes quiet a moment. There isnt a reason they cant ditch out today, he supposes. Jack isnt hosting a panel and while people might notice their absence them, they wont miss them all too terribly. Jack finally shrugs, watching Mark tug a shirt over his head then tucking his wallet into his back pocket.

"Alright, fuck it, lets go." He agrees, grabbing his own wallet and prepping himself for today's adveture.

Secretly, he sees this as a perfext opprotunity to hang out with Mark and make up for last night. Perhaps this one on one time might provoke a heart to heart or a chance to really get a peek at Mark's feelings. Not that Jack is convinced Mark has any, he just feels the need to be certain.

The two sneak out of the hotel via side door, and scramble into Mark's jeep. Then they make their way to go get breakfast and coffee through a Starbucks drive through.

All this makes Mark feel like bandits on the run with Jack. He's never skipped a convention day before, no matter how tired or socially exhausted he may be. He has alwatd made a point to staying throughout the whole week to be fair to his fans. But truth be told, he hasnt been thinking about his fans at all since the convention began. His mind has been glued to Jack; spending time with him, making him laugh seeing him smile, Mark craves it. A day to themselves wont kill anyone, will it? No one has to know. They can keep it a secret. It'll be fun!

Jack is morbidly excited for a day alone with his best friend. He glances over at him and the easy fun just pools over him. He melts a bit seeing the sun hit Mark's beautiful honey eyes. They look so sweet, glistening innocently as they focus elsewhere.

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