Chapter Thirteen

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Danny loads up the van like a responsible adult, herding the group inside patiently. He even reminds everyone to buckle up when he climbs into his seat.

"You'd make a great dad, Danny." Mark blurts randomly, having a bit of a struggle to find the buckle. Perhaps he's a bit more tipsy than he thought. Danny chuckles awkwardly at the compliment.

"Just call me daddy." He jests, bringing the van to a start with a rumble and starting the journey back to the hotel.

The van is mostly silent, what with Arin's face burried in his hands to avoid getting motion sick in the front seat and Vibrance half clocked out in her's. In the back, Mark and Jack slump against eachother comfortably. Neither are asleep or on the verge of it, instead they just enjoy the comfort in the darkness and silence.

Upon arriving, they try to help Vi get her balance stepping out of the van, but she stumbles ungracefully into Dan with a giggle.

"Sorry." She stammers, pushing away from him shyly. Mark and Arin shoot eachother a look. Vi isnt shy or easily embarressed person. Her blush grows when Danny wraps an arm around her to steady her. Arin chuckles and follows on their tail, allowing them a few steps lead. The other two fall into step with Arin, giving him curious looks.

"Vi has liked Danny since they met." Arin spills the beans in a whisper between the guys, his eyes darting not so subtly between her and Dan. Mark and Jack share a pleasantly surprised look.

"Thats great!" Mark says a bit loudly, earning Dan's curious eyes as he glances back. Arin shakes his head, but a smile never leaves his lips.

"Not if I need a new hotel room tonight." Arin jokes, earning laughter from his friends.

"Does Danny know?" Jack pipes up for the first time, lowering his voice inconspiciously as they step into the lobby.

"Nah, Dan is blind as a bat to subtle hints. He needs to be told directly. I dont want to out her secret though." Arin thinks aloud, his eyes bouncing between the two as Dan and Vi giggle with eachother a few yards away. Mark and Jack nod understandingly.

"It'll come out sooner or later." Jack slurs slightly, rubbing his eyes. Looking over at him, Mark could see his need for bed.

"You guys got her?" He looks back at Danny and Vi, but speaks to Arin, who nods surely.

"Yeah, we'll get her there safe. Besides, I owe her one after last time." He says with a chuckle as he parts ways with Mark and Jack to go take care of the other two.

Luckily, it seems as though Arin didnt drink much either, so those two are clearly more capable of helping Vibrance along than Jack and Mark. The crew say their goodbyes in the form of waves and part ways.

The two men chuckle between themselves as they make their way to their room. They get a kick out of nudging eachother, making eachother stumble, and accusing eachother of being more drunk than the other. In the elevator Mark jabs a finger into Jack's side earning defensive curling away and laughter. Mark's face lights up with joy.

"You're ticklish!?" Mark exclaims, enthralled by the discovery as he begins poking Jack more, watching Jack jerk away and squirm.

"N-no!" Jack says, batting Mark's hands away with poor cordination that worsens when Mark actually begins to tickle his side. Jack breathlessly pleas for him to stop, laughing insanely as Mark backs him into a corner.

"Whats the magic word?" Mark giggles, loving all too much the way Jack's face lights up with his laughter. Jack grabs at Mark's wrists to try and tug his hands away but its futile. 'Please' hasnt worked thus far, so Jack's dizzy brain spits out the first dumb thing it can find.

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