Chapter Seventeen

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Stepping out of the elevators, they unlink their fingers, neither wanting to embarrass one another. Of course the simple action would do no such thing. If anyone had the balls to call them out for it, Jack would tell them to fuck off. Mark wouldnt even dignify it with a response. If anything he might give them a lazy middle finger.

Why should they feel shame for it? It brings them mutual happiness, and it isnt hurting anyone. Yet, they still unlatch their hands and bury them away into their pockets. Jack guiltily wonders what would happen if anyone had saw them. They'd surely post it to social media, and then Brit would find out. Would that bother Mark?

Should they be keeping it secret for that sake? Or simply for the matter that they enjoy what they have without everyone else jamming their big nose ito it. Either way, its good that they keep whatever this is under wraps.

They make their way back to their booths, placing their signs up that alert fans to their whereabouts.

"Hey, Vi!" Jack calls out to her as she strolls past his booth, seemingly in her own freshly changed clothes. She stops midstep two twirl around to face him.

"Whats up Boopy?" She questions, an easy going smile on her face. Jack cant help but notice how casual she looks, in the baggy tee she bought from him a few days ago and a pair of big sweatpants that hang just above her bare toes. The drawstring pulled tight around her slim waist.

"You busy?" He asks, rounding the table, sending a mindless glance over at Mark. Vi shakes her head.

"Bored our of my mind actually." She states, pushing her fingers through her still damp hair so it stands up better.

"Wanna join my panel today? I dont want to set up anything for video games. It'll be us, Mark, Danny, and Arin." Jack explains, watching as Mark finishes up at his booth and strolls casually into the conversation.

"What do you guys have planned?" Vi questions, hiding her excitement well behind her easy smile. Jack shrugs and looks to Mark for advice.

"We could play a card game, like go fish or Uno?" He suggests, searching Jack for approval. Jack turns the corners of his mouth down thoughtfully, but shrugs.

"I brought Yahtzee?" Vi speaks up, tossing a thumb over her shoulder toward her booth. Mark and Jack share an approving look.

"Sounds great." Jack says, earning a smile from Vi as she spins her back to them, leading them to her booth.

"Do you know how long its been since I played Yahtzee?" Mark says, leaning on her table watching her sift through a few boxes behind her booth.

"No joke, I think I played it once with Robin years ago, but I dont even remember if it was for a video." Jack contributes, his eyes falling over the shape of Mark's body as he leans on Vi's table.

"Ah-ha!" Vi victoriously quips, standing with a rattling die cup in hand. Jack nods approvingly before leading the two over to Danny and Arin's booth.

With that, they five set up the stage, a table set in the center with five chairs placed around it. They set a camera up above the table to project that veiw to the audience, and take their seats.

Jack sits facing the crowd, Mark to his left, Danny next, then Arin, and finally Vi to Jack's right. When people slowly stop filing into seats, they begin.

Vi goes first, because 'ladies first' as Danny points out. It causes her to blush, but she rolls a damn good set of fours. Jack wonders if either will let their feelings come out before the end of the convention. He's rooting for them, sure that they'd make a lovely couple.

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