pt1: the fight

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This is jay

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This is jay

(Peni sat in her spider mech as her and the other spiders looked at fisk's penthouse preparing for the final fight. The fight that would determine if they go home or perish.)

*Peni's pov*
I took a deep breath knowing that this would get chaotic. Sp//dr looked at me with a reassuring look which gave me confidence as the other swung toward the building. I hugged him/her and we quickly joined them, but as we entered i swore that i saw a boy with brown skin and red and black hair wearing a black hoodie dive into the wall of the building.

*Nightshadow/ jay jay pov*
I jumped through the wall of the building as my body glitched once again causing me to scream in agony. I was so ready to end whoever was responsible for me even being her. Not that it wasnt a cool universe but fucking hurt. The building shook and glitched causing as i heard sounds from the basement. Time for action.

*Peni's pov*
This did not go as planned. Soon after we arrived we recieved heavy gunfire left and right. Noir took cover unit i got infront of him only for scorpion to ram sp//dr knocking us closer to the collider. I desperately tried to fight him off but he managed to grab sp//dr's arm and rip it off. Just as scorpion raised his stinger ready to end us both i saw what looked like a shadow like tentacle wrap around it and pull him back. I hesitately sat up in my seat to see that it was that boy from earlier. What was he doing here? I sat and watched the two fight until scorpion got the upper hand pinning him down and repeatiadly stabbing him in the chest with his stinger. I grabbed my robotic friend's severed arm and used it to hit him over the head with it knocking him out.

*Nightshadow/jay jay's pov*
I layed there awaiting death until he started talking to me. "Get up, jay jay get up we cant die here." I knew that i had no choice, i'b been spiritually connected to him since birth. If i die he dies, if i feel pain he does. I forced my eyes open to see a girl who looked to be only a year younger than me keeling down beside me. "A-are you ok?" She asked. My wound instantly healed clearly answefing her question as a sat up rubbing my head beford noticing........she was still starring at me. W-what's your na-" before she could finish i pounced ontop of her and formed a shadow bubble around us seeing that a bus was headed for us. What was this thing even doing here? I rolled my eyes before using my shadow blast to blow the bus away from us sending it crashing into a woman who for some reason had metal tentacles coming from her back. "Uhhhhhhhhh, was she trying to copy me. You know what? Never mind." I telipoted away hoping that she was safe........and because im awkward around girls.

*Peni's pov*
Who the hell is this kid? He doesnt seem to be one of us. As i sat in confusion noir and spider ham jumped down to me concerned. "Hey kid, you ok?" I shook myself out of my thoughts and quickly checked to see if sp//dr was still ok. They gave me their usual heart smile and i gave them a tearful hug before climbing back inside. There was another big erruption that nearly knocked us all to the floor. We stared at each other knowing that it was time.

*Nightshadow/jay jay's pov*
After i teliported away i quickly looked around trying to figure out what to do next. That is until i saw another spider person wearing a red and black suit headed straight for me. "INCOMING!!!!" before i realized it he crashed into me causing us both to fall. "Sorry man" he said helping me up. "Who are you by the way?" "DAMNIT JAY JAY TJIS WAS SUPPOSE TO BE A STEALTH MISSION!!!!" I didnt reply but instead teliported away once again. "Uhhhhhhhh ok?"

*peni's pov*
Once we finished the last of frisks men we all met at the control. This was it we were finally going home. Miles set the portal then looked at me with a warm smile "you first peni" i thanked him for everthing as i was about to jump into the portal until noir interuppted me. "Hey who was that boy that you were talking to" everyone stared at me with confused faces. "I dont know, mabey he was lost like us" after saying this i jumped into the portal but not before seeing that same boy hanging sitting inside of a floating car. Who is this kid?!?!

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