pt2: Back at home

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*peni's pov*
It had been almost two weeks since i'd seen the others. I was currently in my room upgrading sp//dr to make him more indestructable. As i continued my work i couldn't help but let my mind curiously wander off into theories on just who that guy was. I knew that he wasnt one of us, but at the same time he just left me wondering. He could've at least given me a name. I quickly snapped back to reality once i saw that i was hurting sp//dr. "Woops, sorry buddy" i chuckled.

*Nightshadow/jay jay's pov*
The city was extra qjiet tonight, so quiet that i almost fell asleep ontop of the building i was sitting on. I forced myself to wake up and took another sip of my strawberry slushie as i watched the cars pass until he started talking interrupting the silence. "The city looks peaceful tonight". "I know" i said still fighting back against my sleep. He then grew silent which worried my cause that usually means that he- "something's wrong.....i can tell". Damnit he's always been good at knowing when something's picking at me. I let out a sigh and looked into my slushie "i've just been thinking.......about that universe.......and those....spider people?". "What about them?" "Well they were heros just like us and we didnt even meet them, if we would've met them then mabey, just mabey.......". I paused as i felt my voice tremble and my eyes water up. I then fzlt something fly out of my ear followed by a hand being placed on my shoulder. I turned my head to see what looked like le but a demon version of me with black skin, black void like eyes, and blood red pupils. He stared at me with a saddened look. "You've gotta stop blamming yourself for what happened. I saw you, you tried your best". I wipped the tears from my eyes knowing i had to be strong......for her. "D-do you ever miss her?" I asked in the clearest voice possible. "Ever second of life" he stated before hugging me. Our moment was interrupted by the ground and buildings around us shaking.

*Peni's pov*
I had just finished upgrading so//dr and we were now sitting on the roof of our house looking out at the city. I blew a bubble gum as i colored in a spider man coloring book that i bought, that was until the a disturbing red color filled the sky causing me to stare in suspicion as i watched a figure fall from it and land infront of me wearing a red cloak with electricity sparking from his body like a malfunctioning machine. He looked up and i could see that he was at least in his mid 30's and posessed a deranged mad look in his eyes. Sp//dr pushed me behind them as the man stood up and walked toward us. "Who are you" i asked in a creeped out tone only for him to send sp//dr flying off the roof with just the flick of his finger. Before i could react he had me by the throat and against the wall. "W-who are you?" I asked in fear. The man only stared at me before he slowly started cutting me. I screamed in agony as i sqirmed trying to get away. I looked at my arm and saw that he was clawing a pentagram into my arm. Once he finished it started glowing red sending a painful burn through my body. Three lazers shot throgh his chest causing him to drop me and hold his wound. I looked behind him to see sp//dr who's hand was replaced with a lazer cannon that i attached to them. I ran behind them for protection as the man stood up laughing. He turned to us as the wounds healed and he smiled. Sp//dr threw a punch but he dodged it and punched them hard sending them through the wall. They came back using their new jetpack to lift him into the sky and slam them back down in the middle of the street. I peeked over the edge of the building hoping that sp//dr was ok. They got up and smiled at me, i smiled back before seeing the man get up too. Sp//dr turned to finish him but he threw what looked like a ball of fire at me. Sp//dr wedshot up to the building and tackled me causing us both to fall off of it as the fire ball caused a explosion that would've killed me. We landed safely on the ground and were ready for a fight. Instead of attacking a flame formed on two of his fingers and he swirled them into a circle and opened his hand causing a portal to open up. He jumped through it but not before sp//dr shot a wed at his back in an attempt to pull him back. He turned into a big red light and flew off into the portal pulling us both in with him......not again.😑

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