PT:8 getting to know each other

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*Nightshadow/jay jay's pov*
I woke up to the sound of a smoke alarm going off and knew what it was.....dark was making breakfast😨 I tried to get out of bed but noticed that someone was wrapping their arms around me. Looking down I saw peni sleeping peacefully snuggled up to me. I blushed at the sight of this and how cute she looked. I stroked her soft hair and smiled to myself as a faint smile appeared on her face. "So adorable" I whispered to myself. She slowly opened her eyes and stared at me with pure innocence. "Oh uhh, I-I'm sorry. D-didnt m-mean to wake y-you" I said as she stared at me waiting for me to finish the sentence like a small child. The spark in her eyes burned my heart like a heat ray and melted it like ice as the blood from it rushed its was to my face causing a hard and unexpected blush. We stared at each other for a while until she broke the silence. "Shouldn't you get that" she shyly said. It took everything in me to not freak out and squeeze her like a plushie, but then I snapped back to reality and heard the alarm once again. "SOMEONE GET THAT!!!!!!!!" I heard Gwen yell. Peni giggled as I teleported into the kitchen only to be hit with a cloud of smoke. Through it though I could see miles and dark who were trying to cook breakfast but messing it up. I sighed and drug the two out then got the fire extinguisher and put it out as peni walked into the kitchen. "Is breakfast ready?" She asked jokingly. "Yeah, hope you like burnt pancakes and bacon" I replied showing her the mess they made before throwing it away. We shared a laugh as i did this causing us both to blush. "If you want I could make breakfast" I said. She looked a bit shocked at me offering to cook for her. "WHAT?!?! I WANTED TO MAKE BREAKFAST" dark pouted. We simply ignored him as I got out some eggs. After breakfast we all decided to split up and search the city for Delton. "Everyone be safe" peter said web swingging away. Dark flew into my mouth and gave peni a thumbs up and a wink before teleporting away.

*Peni's pov*
I blushed as jay jay disappeared and got on top of sp//dr and we swung out into ghe city. I suddenly heard gwen in the ear piece I had. "Peni, are you ok?" She asked. "Yeah big sis, I'm good" I said chuckling as I continued searching. After a few minutes I got bored and started to get a little hungry. Looking around I saw a sign that said "infinity snack" and walked inside to see a whole bunch of foods and sweet treats along with an arcade, ball pit, and teampleins. I instantly saw the pizza section and ran to it. A little lunch break wont hurt. As I grabbed my plate I turned my head to see jay jay in the sweet section grabbing some sort of snack. I walked over to him pretending like it was an acciddnt and bumped him slightly. "Huh, oh,hey" he said. I gave him my warmest smile, "hey, come here often?" I asked trying to flirt. "Almost all the time" he said as we sat down. We began to eat and I grew curious on what his snack actually was. "Hey, whats that you're eating?" I asked. "Cinnamon pretzels" he said. "I've never had cinnamon pretzels" I shyly said. He smiled and grabbed one, dipped it into some sort of white cream, (lewd that if you'd like😏) and held it infront of my face. "Say ahh" he said. I opened my mouth and he fed me the sweet treat. It was so good that I begged him for another, and another, and another, and another, and another, I'd eventually eaten all of his lunch and mine and was pretty full. "Welp, there goes my lunch until tomorrow" he said. I hiccuped and blushed realizinv ghat I got to carried away. "Im sorry" I said. He smiled at me, "wanna play some games?" He asked. "He'll yeah I do" I said, we then left our seats and raced to the arcade.

*Nightshade/jay jay's pov*
I havent had this much fun in a while. Me and peni laughed evsn though she was kicking my ass in mortal kombat. We soemhow managed to forget the danger we were in and have fun. I slightly blushed as I looked at her and realized that I was falling for her. "Hey" she said breaking my trance. "Y-yeah?" I said. "I just wanted to say....thank you, for when we first met and you saved me and my friend. I had completely forgotten about the fact that thats how we met. "No problem, im glad that I did. You're a sweet and awesome person, peni" I said fighting the urge to hug and kiss her. In the corner of my eye I could ses her blushing like crazy looking at me as she got closer and closer to my cheek, I pretended to not notice but I knew what she was trying to do. Suddenly a loud explosion went off and screams were heard.....shit. We ran outside to see Delton destroying the Street until he saw us. "There you are" he said throwing a red ball of electricity at us. I touched peni and we teleported onto a rooftop. "Stay here" I said as I summoned my shadow sword. He launched himself at me and I slashed right through his rib cage and grabbed his foot, throwing him to the street and jumping down, pounding my fist at the ground causing everything around me to be thrown back, including Delton. Summoning my shadow flame fists i threw rapid punches at him followed by throwing him to the end of the street. There was no response, so I walked off and looked at peni who was still sitting on the roof where i left her. "All good peni" I said. "LOOK OUT!!!!!" She yelled, causing me to turn around and notice a car that was thrown at me. Before it could crush me I sank into the ground becoming an actual shadow. Delton repeatiadly punched the ground in an attempt to harm me before he looked at peni with an evil smile.......No. He flew up to her only for her robotic spider friend to jump from behind her and land infront, kicking him back down to me. I extended my claws and clawed deeply through his skin. Never try to hurt my peni. I then levitated him higher into the sky and slammed him down infront of me and stomped on his head. When I stopped he was barely alive but still getting up somehow. Me, peni, and her robot prepared ourselves for whatever he was getting ready to do next, but he just flew away at an abnormal speed. We looked at each other and I formed my shadow wings and flew after him. He sent bolts of lightning at building causing them to crash and fall infront of me in an attempt to lose me. No matter what he tried i stayed with him not noticing that the sky was turning grey suddenly at a fast pace. As soon as i caught the cloak a red lightning bolt struck me, causing me and dark to separate and fall to the ground. He fell on a car while I fell on some trash cans. My lungs felt like they were on fire causing me to have trouble breathing. Dark rolled off the car and could faintly see Delton walking to me, filling his heart with fear as he tried his best to get to me. I could see the fear and distress in his eyes and knew that he was behind me. I tried to get to my feet but was forced back down by delton's foot. He pressed his foot down so hard that my ribs were on the verge of breaking, every muscle, organ, blood cell, and bone in my body was yelling in agony as he pressed harder. "You know what I love and hate about you jay jay? Your determination, some say it can be a gift, others zay a curse, I say both. Take yourself as an example, your determination has gotten you this far, the whole world knows your name, and i bet your parents are looking down from the sky proud, but it's your determination that's about to be your cause of death." He picked me up by the throat and slammed me to the wall as dark was nearly to his feet only for Delton to form anogher red ball of electricity at him, sending him through two cars and a wall. The screams around me slowly began to muffle out but not before I heard delton's final words to me. "Hey jay jay, what ever happened to Lily?" My eyes widdened when I heard that name and hd could clearly tell he'd struck something important to me. "Lets find ou- AGH!!!!" before he could finish his ssntence I'd summoned my demon tail and stabbed him in the gut with it. He grabbed it and fiercely ripped it off causing me to let out a weak scream of pain which gave him a smile as his eyes glowed red and he forced me to look into them. I-I couldnt......i couldnt go through with this again.......i couldnt relive the moment.......when I lost her.

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