Cameron. Part 1

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Cameron and you had owned a house for around a year every once in a while, you would hear Cam having a nightmare until one night, you woke up to Cam saying "Y/N Y/N, I can't do this anymore, its killing me not telling you." You wake Cam up from his sleep, he starts crying and holding you, he says "Babe, Im so sorry, I can't take you not knowing whats going on." You ask him over and over for him to tell you, he starts to cry even harder. He tells you that Magcon is getting back together, he then went on to say, "5 months." You sit there in shock. He can't leave for 6 months! He's everything to you, if he is gone for that long, then he will miss the birth of your child. That he doesn't know exists... That you were going to tell him about the very next day.. You snap out of your thoughts when Cam says 'I think it'd be best if we took a break..' Your eyes got wide. A break?! Oh heeeeellllllll no. What about the baby? He noticed your face fall and hesitantly hugged you. 'Its for the best babe. Being gone for half a year isn't going to be good on our relationship. Besides.. We both know that our relationship was fizzling out anyway..' You're shocked. He thought your relationship was going down the drain?! What the hell?! Cameron got up and started packing all his belongings, while you sat on the bed stunned. He left about 2 hours later. You were a sobbing mess. This just wasn't fair! How dare he?! You decided that you weren't going to pity yourself any longer. You were going to raise this baby and be the best damn single parent ever. And you were sure as hell not going to tell Cameron yet, he didn't deserve to know and you didn't want him to come back just because you were pregnant. 

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