Hayes- Fight/cute

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                                               For my bestfriend who never stays in one lane ;)

                                                                                       Paiges or Y/N POV 

           Hayes Grier. Your idea of a perfect guy, he was handsome, funny, built, and smart in a goofy way.

                                                                                          7 months earlier    

        You met Hayes at a hotel for a business event that both your dads were at and fell in love even more than you already were with him (being a fagirl) ! He was so sweet and nice when you met him and he was even nicer than when you had DM'd eachother. After you met him for the first time you were for sure head over heels in love with this kid. For months you two talked and talked and talked until one day when you were home alone you heard a knock on the door and when you answered it, there he was the most perfect person you had ever seen. He was holding a sign asking for you to be his, you couldn't believe this was happening. Why me? You thought. Out of everyone in this world, you chose me? You really didn't understand. You stood there in shock for atleast 2 minutes, just staring blankly at him. You finally snapped out of it when Hayes started to look worried. You then felt bad and started saying, "Yes, Yes, Yes Hayes! I will be yours!" He then picked you up and spun you around in a circle, then got dizzy and had to stop. 

        Everything had been going great for you two, until you and Hayes were hanging out and he got a call from his managers saying the Magcon Boys were going on tour in 1 week and would be gone for 6 months. He started while he was on the phone and when he finally hung up he just grabbed you and cried into your shoulder. When he finally brings himself together and can talk to you, he tells you the bad news. You break down, there is no way you can do this, this is going to be way to hard on the both of you. You start thinking the worst, he is going to find someone else, there are so many more people out there. You are both bawling your eyes out. The next weeks you are together everyday, he stays at your house, the next week is so sad but so fun. You do everything you can to be happy. The day finally comes, he has to leave. This is the worst thing that could possibly happen, you have to tell eachother goodbye for 6 months. You both are crying, neither of you want this to happen, but you have to. You walk him to his gate and he grabs you so hard and hugs you until you can barely breath, but you don't say anything because you know you won't get another one for 6 months. When he finally lets you go he tells you for the first time ever that he loves you and you reply, "I love you too Hayes Grier." He hugs you hard, kisses you on the head, and tells you once again that he loves you and is crying harder now. 

                                                                                        4 Months later

        Hayes has been gone for 4 months now and you miss him like crazy. You told yourself everyday that it would be okay, even though you were hurting so bad that you had started a new habit that you were NOT proud of. Hayes facetimed you everynight for as long as he could, most days it was only about an hour because he was so tired. One night you were in the bathroom getting ready to relieve the pain you were feeling when you heard your phone ringing, you ran to look at it because you figured it was Hayes, and it was. You answered his facetime and didn't relize the blade was still in your hand. Hayes didn't say anything, just stared, you knew he was disappointed. You both were crying. You felt so bad you couldn't hold back everything you had been bottling up. When Hayes was a little better he asked why? Why would you do this? All you could say was because you couldn't take him being away. He got you to calm down and its a good thing he did because he had to go. He told you he loved you and hung up. You threw all your razors away and went to bed. The next month and a half sucked. 

                                                                                       The 6th month

        This was the month Hayes was coming home, you were so happy! He was going to be home the 12th and you seriously couldn't wait! Everynight he always said how excited he was to see you. 

                                                                                       The 11th 

Today. Today Hayes was coming back! You couldn't be more excited. You hadn't seen him in 6 months, 6 months to long. You knew he would be home around 12 so you were going to get up at 9 and start getting ready so you would be perfect for him when he got back. It was around 11:15 when you were finally ready so you went to watch American Horror Story until he got back. You had been watching AHS for 25 minutes when you heard someone knocking on the door, expecting to see Hayes you ran to the door and threw it open, sure enough, it was Hayes, you jumped on him and gave him the biggest hug ever. The weird thing, he didn't hug you back, he pushed you down. He just walked straight to the bathroom being the only room with a lock and locked the door, you went to the door and said, "Babe whats wrong? Whats going on?" All Hayes said was, "Paige (Y/N) go away leave me alone I never want to see you again! LEAVE" You could hear the shakiness in his voice, you knew he was crying. You started yelling back for him unlock the door and to come out. Hayes yelled, "PAIGE (Y/N) I SAID GO AWAY! I NEVER WANT TO SEE YOU AGAIN! LEAVE YOU DUMB BITCH!" You yelled back in responce, "FINE! HAYES! IM LEAVING YOUR ASS AND IM NEVER COMING BACK YOU DICK BAG! I DID LOVE YOU BUT I DONT KNOW ANYMORE!" You turned and started running hysterically to the door wanting to get out, when you felt a firm grab on your wrist and sobbing. You barely got turned around when Hayes took you into his strong embrace. You stood there for what felt like forever until he pulled away and planted the most passionate kiss you have ever seen. Hayes pulled away and rested his forehead on yours, he then said, "Paige (Y/N), Im so sorry how I was to you and all the things I said to you. I never should have said those horrible things. Please, please let me prove to you that I truly am happy to be back. I love you so much and I am so sorry, I will never say those horrible things again." When he recited those words, all you could feel inside was warm, fuzzy, and love. You knew this kid was special and he was the one you wanted to spend the rest of your life with. 

                                                        3 Years later

        Marriage. A word you thought would never come out of your mouth, at least 3 or 4 years ago. Today is the day you are going to vow your forever love to Hayes Benjamin Grier. You can't believe it, you are so nervous, while standing there, holding his hands looking him dead in the eye, you love him eternally, you are so excited to have little Hayes' running around your house. 

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