Cameron Part 2

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        It is now 5 and a half months since Cam left. You are almost ready to pop. Over the months that he has been gone, you had gotten used to the thought of him not being in the picture with the baby and had gotten almost everything that you needed for the baby with the help of Mahogany via imessage and facetime. You had the nursery all decorated and had decided on the name Cecilia, Cecilia Sierra, for your little baby girl that was ready to come out at anytime. 

        You were at target getting more things for Cecilia when you saw Mahogany! This was great! You were so excited! You walked up to her, she almost didn't recognize you because of how pregnant you now looked. She warned you that Cam was in here somewhere but she wasn't sure where, she told you to hurry if you didn't want to have any encounters. With this warning you went to the register and were checking out when, it felt like a water balloon had just popped, you knew excatly what happened. You started yelling for Mahogany, you needed her help right now. After yelling for her a couple times, she finally got to you, she looked shocked for a couple of minutes, then she came out of panick mode and went into oh shit mode. She ran to get a wheel chair to put you in to get you to her car and drove you to the nearest hospital, by the time you got there your contractions were far enough apart that you weren't going physco pregnant lady. By the time you saw the doctor they were much closer. Mahogany took you to your room to make sure you were okay then told you that she needed to make a phone call so she went to the hall outside your room. You couldn't hear anything until you heard her yell, "YES IT IS YOURS NOW GET YOUR ASS HERE" You knew exactly who it was. Cameron. When she came back in you asked what it was about and of course she said nothing. 

        It had been about 2-2 1/2 hours when you finally started pushing. This hurt like a bitch especially since you had a really low tolerence for pain. You knew you would pass out from pain at some point. The Dr. had told you that since you had such a low tolerence, you would be getting a C-section. This baby was no where the edge or even close to your vagina so you were all good there. You had just left your room and you were about 5 seconds from passing out when you heard a familiar voice yelling your name over and over again running frantically. The doctor stopped pushing the bed and the voice was getting closer and closer at this point you felt a familiar firm grip on your hand. You knew who it was. Cameron. He was here for the birth of your child. You heard him say 3 familiar words before everything went black.   

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