The Dragon

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The mouth of the cave itself, was overwhelmingly vast. With sharp ragged rocks sharp enough to slice.

I took my steps slowly, making sure to step carefully as quietly as I could manage. I found it odd how frightened I was.

Within the cave a dark gloominess rested upon it, tall arches of rock, it's omnipresent vastness, the roof of the cave was fifteen to twenty feet above the ground. I heard water droplets fall against the ground, each shadow jumped out at me.

In the dark, dryness, I found myself overwhelmed, by its mysterious beauty. A warm current of air rested.

I wondered how long it had been since another had ventured into this cave, into its depths, to see as well, if the legend was no legend.

Perhaps to slay the so-called dragon. Only to find it miserably and utterly empty, absent of life, the dark place in which the upper and underworld shook hands.

The silence apart from the quiet droplets of water was maddening mocking me with each drop, I had the urge to shout for silence  but I resisted. The cave seemed to go on forever with no end, I wondered if it went all the way through the mountain to the other side.

The cave wasn't straight either, it turned here and there, no direct path, once I turned to look behind me, I could no longer see the light shining from the mouth.

I was utterly alone, all I had to protect myself was a small knife.

Calm down.

There's no such thing as Dragons.

The cave opened up to another, vast cavern. Larger than the one before it I felt a chill go down my spine, a sudden heat swept past my ankles.

I almost screamed, as in the corner of the cave, rested a skeleton, sitting up against the wall. Suddenly every red flag  rose in my chest, every inch of my body shouted at me to turn and run. I clamped my hand over my mouth and urged myself not to cry out in terror.

Was it possible someone might have entered the cave in the middle of a snowstorm and died from hunger? Or from freezing?

I stood straight in shock, evaluating my next decision, was it wise to continue further? Although I was terrified, I couldn't help the surge of curiosity within me urging myself to investigate, without my approval my feet moved under me propelling me deeper into the cave.

I didn't understand my legs sudden independence, as they pushed me despite my will to stop. An invisible force lurched me forward step after step and my vision Infront of me disappeared the closer I got and a vision of fire and chaos erupted into my mind I heard screams fill the air as my body moved deeper and deeper into the cave.

In seconds I was from the large cavern to an even larger one, and as all my fears came to life in that very cave, I felt my heart alight, the pendant at my neck burned against my chest as I entered the dwelling place.

In the center of the cave, laid a large black dragon.

It was asleep lying there, the most beautiful thing I had ever laid eyes on.

Utterly still it lay there inhaling and exhaling in a melodic like manner, slow enough to put even me into a deep sleep. Although before me rested a beast, a monster that would rip me in half if awakened, I did not ever want to leave it's presence, every part of myself told me to stay, but what for?

Examining it, my eyes roamed over its enormous size, its claws, nearly the size of my body, it's large head five times my size. Although it slept, it became obvious just how dangerous of a situation I had put myself in.

The Dragon CurseWhere stories live. Discover now