The Escape

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I knew it was stupid to run off into the darkness with Edmund and his friends chasing after me but there was no way I would stay there anywhere near him.

He was sick and just the thought of his filthy hands on me made me run faster. I was gasping and crying as I tripped on a large root. I cried and picked myself up quickly looking back I heard no sound of running men on the forest floor but I still turned and ran quickly, I ran and ran and ran until my body threatened to collapse beneath me, my legs throbbed and ached.

Finally I slowed to a walk, still fearful that they might be only steps behind me but I had to risk the chance. My body ached and pleaded for rest. I decided on figuring out what I would say to my father, suddenly my mind snapped back to the fact that there was still the dragon to worry about.

What if Edmund and the other men decided to go into the cave? One good thing would come out of it, I visualized the image of dragon fire, burning them to skeletons like the others but his words played in my head.

If any men come, we shall find it, hunt it until our fire burns this very earth apart.

I hoped they didn't go into the cave, or I and them would soon be dead. I visualized my own image of my body burning, the beast bitting off my head, or eating me whole.

With a pang in my chest I realized that I had dropped my pack and it remained up there. I would probably never see it again. It was the least of my troubles I knew come tomorrow I would have to face him.

I felt tears come as I recalled those hectic moments, I was so afraid it felt so unreal, like perhaps I might have been dreaming. I reached up and gently touched my face and the shock of pain told me that whatever just happened was real.

Anna must be freaking out, no doubt Edmund would have told her some cover story. Maybe she followed after me. I didn't care, all I wanted was to crawl into a hole and never leave. I feared the next day with a great passion. How would I explain if bruises appeared on my face? What was I to do if they entered the cave? The dragon would soon be after me if that was the case. The pale light reflecting off the forest floor was casted by a large full moon. I walked for hours in darkness, I became instinctively aware of the predators surrounding me in this very forest.

There was always a reason why when traveling we made better with groups, to many had wandered off alone, to never return. Perhaps the wolves, however many dwelled here would catch my sent see that I was alone, and finish me off.

I was already an easy target. My legs shook as I took each step, my throat burned, dry and cracked I decided to stop by a small stream and get a drink and splash some onto my face, although it was dead in the middle of the night and my nerves stood at attention, I let myself relax slightly embracing the chill against my skin. Looking at the full moon in the sky I guessed it was nearing the morning.

The light of the moon was bright in the sky, giving me a perfect view of myself against the water. I stared at my reflection, half unsure if this person in the reflection was even myself I reached a hand out a tapped the surface, watching as it rippled outward. All I could see or hear in my mind were images of the dragon and Edmunds raised hand to strike me.

I suddenly plunged both of my fists into the water and it splashed all over me. I moaned in distaste but picked myself up from the stream nonetheless. As I sat back on my ankles I peered through the dark across the stream as a snapping of twigs caught my attention, I was almost instantly alert, ready to see the tall figure of a man.

I was mistaken, watching me from behind a shrub, with as much fear as I had, stood a stag his upper body muscular and his long legs strong beneath him, it was obvious he was afraid, but in his eyes there was something more staring back at me. I stood frozen, the stag didn't seem in the mood to challenge me, only curious about me as I was him. His antlers were large and stood sharp. I was in awe at his beauty and just like that he turned and darted in the opposite way.

I took this as my que to continue walking. My fear returned to me and I tried to focus on the plant life, my mind kept flashing back to hands, skin, voices, dragons.

There was one thing I was absolutely certain, there were such things as Dragons, the legends were true. I had just came face to face with one, and I lived! His menacing yellow eyes taunted my mind still warning me to never return. Then, I saw it so clearly I'm my mind, my mother's face, much like my own, her warm cheeks, bright hazel eyes.

Her full beautiful smile. I could remember the day she died like it was yesterday. She had come down with a disease that started with her falling ill she fought so hard to overcome it, the disease attacked her body for months, she was weak and brittle at the end, so eager to be put out of her misery.

Although she was suffering she didn't bear the thought of leaving me. She told me every day she would never leave me. But she did. But I learned years ago to put away childish things. She remained a warm and cold memory. I smiled at the thought of her bright cheeks, her caring and nurturing nature.

I continued away from the stream, the pale moonlight paving my way. I began to consider my escape if it so happened that I wasn't the only one to see a dragon. I knew that my father would be destroyed if I left, but how else could I have the slightest chance of keeping him safe?

If the stories I've heard of dragons my village, my home, none of them had a chance. I felt the anxious disease creep upon my skin, guilt. I could imagine the whole thing. Fire everywhere, blood, screams and chaos. Homes alight and terror bleeding into the night.

Eventually, if the whole village was slaughtered, more powerful cities would take over, and the beautiful beast would cease to exist. The legends were true. Dragons were real. At least that's what I thought.

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