Confess a Secret

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In this one we had to write a journal entry thingy uh that's it
Also if you find that one error I made, I wrote =5 somewhere on accident lol, please tell me I can't find it


Dear Random composition book I found in the trash bin
4 Days before Passing On
​Why didn't I stop this before it spiraled so out of control? All I had to do was ignore the kid and none of this would've happened...
​I NEED to get this out, it's been eating away at me for weeks. You see, all I did was try to cheer up some fat blonde kid. I mean, the kid was miserable. He was sitting in corner having one of those real ugly cries, you know those ones where there's snot running down your face, tears everywhere, and spit dribbling out of your mouth, and literally no one was helping him. All those stupid, snot-nosed, 5th grade brats were ignoring him and playing on their stupid phones. What kind of teacher lets their students play on their phones during recess anyway? Back when I was a kid I played with some freakin' blocks and Lincoln logs. Anyway the kid was sad so I went over to him and tried talking to him. He was super skittish when I approached him, he jumped and just stared at me with his cute, pointy nose and flushed, freckled cheeks. He didn't tell me exactly what made him so upset, but I had a hunch that it had something to do with those idiot 5th graders. We sat in a super awkward silence until I said something that made it even worse which was, "Well, uh little dude don't be so sad! I'm here for you." He didn't respond to me, but I swear I could see a slight twinkle in his eye. Just after that, recess was over and I had to leave him. Ever since then I've been hanging out with the little guy every day at recess, which seemed to greatly improve his mood. As much as I really want to feel happy for him, I can't. I feel awful. He thinks I'm his best friend and that breaks my heart. I'm not saying that I g=hate the kid, in fact I love him to bits! It's exactly would you react if you found out your bests friend doesn't even exist?

Dear Random composition book I found in the trash bin
3 Days until Passing on
​I don't like thinking about the crash. I don't like talking about it. But I've been holding onto those memories for years and I think I need to get them off my chest. This literally happened right after I got my drivers permit. I was driving (with my parents in the car, mind you) to go pick up my little sister from school. Sounds simple enough, right? Well as we came to an intersection, the light turned green. And when the light turns green that means I can go, not whoever decided they could be slick and run a red light, only to crash into me. I rememeber everything turning black and when I opened my eyes there were no doctors hovering over me like in the movies telling me "You're going to be alright!". No. I was looking at the crash from outside of my car. I was so confused, like why was I standing here watching my parents embrace each other and cry next to all these cop cars? And why don't I feel anything? Then that's when I saw it. My own bloody and limp body being dragged out of my totaled car. That's when I realized I was dead. I vividly remember what it looked like too, it was so bizarre. If you were wondering, yeah I was a teensy bit upset about that, but I was angrier about the fact that I was forced to roam the earth as a ghost. Like, don't people go somewhere when they die or something? Why am I still here?? I was too scared to talk to my parents as a ghost because I don't know how they would react, so was I just forced to watch my own family grow and live life without me? Not too long ago I cam up with a theory. Remember in those shows were the plot of that one spooky episode was the ghost had unfinished business on earth so they couldn't rest or whatever? Well I think I have some unfinished business. You see my sister, Diana, is my pride and joy. She is a very smart, cute, and funny little angel. She is on the spectrum, as my parents call it, and takes these pills or whatever for it. If you can't already tell, I'm not too fond of it. Like, everyone treated it as a disease and the adults babied her. I never did see what was so wrong about it. She just acted and thought differently from everybody else. What was so wrong about that? Why would I be telling you all of this? Well I've always wanted to see her grow up to be intelligent and successful. I wanted her to meet new people and play fun little games with them. But I died before I could. I don't think, no actually, I can't move on until I see that angel succeed in this garbage dump of a world. So present day, she's in high school right now, a senior actually, had more credits than she needs to graduate, took a bunch of AP and honors classes and is ranked 6th place in the class rankings. She's actually going to graduate in 3 days and later go to some Ivy League school in Florida or something. I'm really excited about that and that's how I ended up going to her old elementary school just for old time's sake and meeting that little boy. He was in the same 5th grade class as Diana. Can't you see now why I'm so conflicted?? I was finally ready to move on to the heavens and then I go and talk to this kid. If I move on then what's going to happen to him? He's going to lose his only friend! I know the best thing to do is to tell him the truth but how do you think a 5th grade crybaby would react to something as stupid as "Sorry I'm a ghost. I have to go now."?? He might get mad at me, he might not believe me, he might be made fun of even more or if worst comes to worst what if somehow he ends up going to some mental institution for a disorder he doesn't have? He can't prove I'm real if I'm actually gone! My worst worry is that this situation will delay my whole passing on until he finally gets a friend and who knows how LONG that would take! I don't know what to do...

Dear Random composition book I found in the trash bin
2 Days until Passing on
​I almost told him the truth. I really did. But I chickened out. I knew it was going to be hard, but his sad little expression broke my heart when I told him I had some bad news. Do you want to know what he said to me after that? "You know if you don't want to be my friend or if I'm annoying you can just leave me. I understand." Who hurt this poor angel?? Who made a poor boy feel like that? Ugh it's really hard to write now. I can feel my spirit getting weaker. I think the day I theorized will come is actually approaching. Fast. I really need to do something about this. God forgive me for being such a pathetic coward.

Dear Random composition book I found in the trash bin
1 Day until Passing on.
​AN OPPORTUNITY! A SAVING GRACE! I can't believe it! Today at lunch, after I stole some toe-looking kid's cookie and gave it to my home boy, I heard a girl scream. We both turned around and saw a short chubby girl with rose-gold hair on the floor with a flood of tears streaming down her bright red face. She was dripping wet from someone dumping an entire carton of milk on her head. The entire lunchroom immediately stopped what they were doing to turn and stare at the poor girl. Some snickered and pointed while others just nonchalantly turned back around to pretend they saw nothing. I swear It felt like I was watching some king of anti-bullying ad on Cartoon Network, but instead of some hero helping the bullied kid up, nobody did anything remotely helpful. Then the rat-brained goliath of a child who started all this started laughing at her! THEN his little brainless goons followed!! Freakin' kids these days! Don't they know what bullying does? Are they that stupid?? Anyway that's beside the point. You'll never guess what happened next! Harold, that small sensitive boy, my little buddy, stood up and yelled at them! He got up and started shouting "Hey! You bullies! Leave her alone!" Isn't that pathetically heroic?? He ran right up to the girl and asked if she was ok, as he helped her up. Those snot rags targeted him next, calling him a bunch of kindergarten level insults and surprisingly, he just straight-up ignored them. They walked over to our table and sat down. Harold gave her some napkins and they started chatting as if they been friends forever. I'm glad that in the heat of the moment he didn't see me disappear into the crowd. My little boy grew up so fast. He finally has a living, breathing friend. Looks like I had nothing to really worry about, huh?

Dear Random composition book I found in the trash bin
The Day of Passing

​This trash bin notebook was just supposed to be my personal venting book to use and throw out when I was done with it I think I'm just going to leave it right in your backpack, Harold. By the time you're reading this, I'm already gone. I'm up in the clouds right now, hopefully. I hope you read all my precious entries first so you at least have a basic understanding of what has been going on. I just wanted to say I'm sorry I wasn't strong enough to tell you the truth. It's ok to be mad or upset at me, I'd be mad too if someone did this to me. I know how you are, you probably think I made all this up just to get away from you. If you want proof, go on your computer at home and search up "Fatal car crash near Lakeview Elementary 2009" and you'll find a lot of stuff about it. You'll also find a ton of pictures of 16 year old me and see how after 10 years I still look the same. That's the only real proof that I have. ​
​You're a strong kid, ok? I don't really know what was happening in your life to make you so miserable but whatever it is, I know you can push through it. Just remember its ok to cry and break down, as long as you rise up stronger and better than before. Sorry little buddy I'm not too good with expressing my emotions. I'm sure this entry sounds all jumbled. I don't know if you really care too much about this but uh I finally talked to my sister. Last night I appeared before her and told her I was so proud of her. She was scared at first, but calmed down quickly. It was pretty nice to be able to talk to her. I wish I did it sooner.
​I'm also not very good at goodbyes either. I'll miss you, ok? Take care of that girl you helped yesterday. If you guys end up getting married, name your kid after me! Ha, just kidding. Don't do that.
​I gotta go now. I'm really sorry again.
​I really am going to stop writing now.

​I love you, little dude. Stay outta trouble...
Love, Dolly.
P.S I'm sorry for calling you a fat kid.

P.P.S Here I drew a picture of you. Put it on your fridge.

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