Final Exam Short Story thingy i rushed on bc i spent the night playing fortnite

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So basically I wrote about a zombie apocalypse bc i love them. I was going to end it with her dying but like I didn't have enough room. Our limit was 7 pages and in my opinion that's not enough for me
Well here we go

Tammy never actually believed it would happen. Just like how she never thought she would get that job as a dance teacher, or how she would never find the love of her life. She never, EVER, not once in her 37 years of existence thought that the zombie apocalypse, a thing that happened in movies and tv shows, would happen.
Yet, she did get the job, a wonderful boyfriend, and the fabled zombie outbreak. The zombie outbreak wreaked havoc across the United States. Once it was announced on the news that the a deadly virus had broken out and the dead were seen roaming around New York, Tammy felt as if all those things she never thought she would have had just been snatched from her. She lost her dream job a few days after it started. Nobody wanted to dance in a time like this, she couldn't really blame them. Immediately after that she got a text from Joshua, her boyfriend, saying that he always loved her and how he wanted her to get to a supposed "safe zone" she honestly knew nothing about. She didn't want to believe that he was truly gone, but facts don't care about your feelings. He was in Michigan visiting his family when the outbreak occurred. According to the breaking news reports that infected very tv station that ever existed, Michigan was one of the first states completely taken over by the undead. Everywhere she went there was always someone dying or buildings collapsing, it wasn't long until she just became numb to it all.

In attempt to gain control of the situation, the army scattered military checkpoints all across the states. Each checkpoint had fresh food and water, shelter, medical attention, and guaranteed army protection. As Tammy cynically expected, good things never last long in times like this. Soon enough, word of alleged zombie cultists, dubbed Raiders, spread like wildfire throughout the States. They destroyed many of the checkpoints, taking what they could and killing innocent survivors. Rumor had it that they worshiped the virus like some sort of deity or gift from God. Tammy wasn't exactly sure what psycho things the Raiders did, and frankly she didn't want to know. At this point in her life, ignorance was indeed bliss.

As time passed, the military checkpoint she resided in was one of the few remaining intact checkpoints left. Each day the paranoia inside her grew ever stronger. It felt as if she had a massive target looming over head. She swore that one of those days the Raiders would finally attack.
She just didn't think it was going to happen so soon.
The sound of breaking glass ripped Tammy out of her lackluster slumber. Her eyes instantly shot open as the rotten floorboards of the ceiling let out ghastly creaks with the stampede of boots above. Incoherent shouting bounced about the abandoned house Tammy resided in, causing her heart to beat against her rib cage. It was finally happening. The day the military personnel persistently warned about.

The Raiders have arrived.

She threw her battered winter coat she used as a blanket to the side and rolled off of the couch she slept on. The creaky old building she called a home was actually a café that the troops converted into a shelter. It may have smelt like a sewer from time to time and there was garbage coating the floor like a rug, it felt like home to her. Dust showered down from the ceiling as the stampede of boots roared above her. Without a moment to waste, Tammy dropped to the floor and slithered underneath the couch and reached for her weapon. Gunshots abruptly cut through the atmosphere like a knife. Shivers ran down her spine as she realized how dire the situation was. Surprisingly, Tammy never had to hurt anybody yet, and she secretly hoped she never had to. But when psychopathic cultists come running down the stairs of your own home, what else were you supposed to do?

With the cold and soggy floorboards pressed against her cheek, her fingers brushed against the familiar feeling of smooth wood. She had found her baseball bat. "There's an untainted in 'ere!" A gruff voice boomed, scaring Tammy so bad her body jumped. "Get 'er, Franky!"

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