Tagged: 10 Random Facts About Me

27 4 13

Tagged by jemstone491491

Fact #1
I adore tea.

Fact #2
I'm an advocate for positive mental health.

Fact #3
I'm afraid of birds when they fly or flap anywhere near me XD

Fact #4
I'm obsessed with the idea of visiting Australia, and living there, who knows.

Fact #5
Teen Wolf is one of my favourite TV shows.

Fact #6
I can solve the Rubik's cube in two minutes and forty seven seconds.

Fact #7
I want to be a published author and an actor.

Fact #8
I have a really out there fashion sense. I love to wear anything that comes under the headings of vintage, retro, boho or hippie chic style.

Fact #9
I hate politics.

Fact #10
I have webbed hands.

Tagging teddy-reads Chimnaecherem SweetChildO_A_R

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