Chapter 1

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"Come one little sister! Wake up!"

You groaned under your blankets and rolled over as your older brother by five minutes banged on your door. A minute later, you heard him running up and down the stairs, and you knew your cousin Harry was up now as well. It was yours and your brother, Dudley's, birthday today, a day you grew to loathe almost as much as Harry. Petunia, your mother, never doted on you nearly as much as she did with her "precious baby boy" because of some unexplainable tricks you had made. You slowly made your way out of bed and downstairs, not bothering to get changed. Harry met you at the foot of the stairs, almost swimming in his large flannel and cargo pants. You were fortunate enough to be the Dursley's daughter and just narrowly missed being in the same living situation as your poor cousin.

"Oh here he comes, the birthday boy!" you two heard Petunia squeal from the kitchen, and both of you rolled your eyes.

You walked in together to be barely greeted by your grotesquely large father, Vernon, who was seated at the dining room table reading the newspaper. "Happy birthday son!" he grinned at your brother, not seeming to remember that it was your birthday too, which was not out of the norm.

"Why don't you try to cook the breakfast, try not to burn anything," Petunia said to Harry dismissively.

"Yes Aunt Petunia," Harry replied, walking over to the stove. Thankfully she ignored you and went back to doting on Dudley. "I'll help you Harry," you said, joining him.

"Thanks (y/n), but you don't have to, it's your birthday after all!"

"Yes well, I might as well be invisible."

"It's better than my situation," Harry said with a hint of disdain.

"That's true," you said, then turned your attention to the food you were cooking.

"I want everything to be perfect for my Dudley's special day!" Petunia said from the table, and you rolled your eyes so hard you feared they might get stuck!

"Hurry up! Bring my coffee, boy!" your father shouted. Harry turned to get his coffee to him, but you stopped him before he could.

"I've got it; you focus on the food!"

"Thanks (y/n)."

"No problem!"

You grabbed your father's coffee and began carrying it delicately over to him, careful not to spill any. While you were giving him his coffee, you overheard your brother begin pitching a fit over the presents. Here we go you groaned internally, he always threw a fit when he didn't get exactly what he wanted. Meanwhile you were grateful for any gift you got! That was the difference between you two, manners and etiquette. Finally, Petunia managed to calm Dudley down by promising him to get him more presents when you all went out to the zoo later that day.

Breakfast seemed to drag by as Dudley tore open all of his presents with his pudgy fingers, and you were thankful when it was finally time to leave! You and Harry silently joked that if it had taken any longer, the two of you may have exploded! Now you all were finally off to the zoo, and excited to see the animals. Before you and Harry could get in the car, however, Vernon stopped you.

"I'm warning you now, boy. Any funny business, any at all, and you won't have any meals for a week. And you," he pointed a fat finger at you, "The same goes for you. Get in."

Cautiously, the two of you slipped into the car as if afraid you'd get punished if Vernon didn't like the way you sat down. Neither of you moved as you all drove to the zoo, and you barely breathed as well. You two sat stiff as boards on the drive, afraid that any sudden movements may get you thrown out of the car!

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