Chapter 7

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The rest of the night went by a bit better after Cedric stopped teasing you and began eating instead. He occasionally waggled his eyebrows at you whenever he noticed Draco glancing at you, but every time he did you rolled your eyes and stuck your tongue out at him.

"Honestly Cedric, you can't truly be that dull to see that! We're just friends! In fact, we've only known each other for two days so I don't even know if we can be considered any more than acquaintances," you said after dinner as you walked with him back to the dorms.

"I wouldn't be too sure!" he snickered, poking your side. You smacked his hand away and shot him a playful glare. "What do you have tomorrow?" he asked after calming down.

"Flying practice and Defense Against the Dark Arts."

"Oh, is little mister Malfoy in those as well?"

Your cheeks heated up and you whirled on him. "He is, in fact, and if you don't stop teasing me I'll hex you as soon as I learn how to!"

It was an empty threat, but it got the point across. "Alright, alright. I'll stop. Sorry for upsetting you," Cedric said, though there was still a small grin on his face.

"You're forgiven," you huffed. You bid each other goodnight as you went to your separated dorms, and you flopped on your bed as soon as you walked in. "Tough day?" one of the second year girls asked.

"Yes," you sighed, your pillow muffling your response. You looked up as Soren hopped onto the head of your bed, and you smiled up at her. She cooed at you and you sat up. "Hey Soren," you said as you stroked her feathers. She stretched and spread her wings and you gently ran a finger down the long, elegant feathers on them. Apparently she didn't care for that however, and gave you a light nip as if to say stop. You did and gave her a few treats that you kept on your bedside table. She happily accepted them, and after she finished her snack, flew through your open window and into the night.

Moring came faster than you'd hoped, and you groggily rolled out of bed and changed. "Morning sleepyhead," Cedric greeted as you stumbled down the stairs and into the common room.

"Morning," you grumbled, falling into a nearby sofa.

"Don't fall asleep, we're about to head down to breakfast!" he said, leaning against the back of the sofa.

"But Cedric," you whined, "it's so early!"

"No it's not."

"It feels early."

You sat up and rolled off the sofa as gracefully as you could, making Cedric laugh as you stood up and joined his side. "Come on, let's go," he chuckled, guiding you out the door. You sluggishly followed him down to the great hall, where you instantly perked up to the smell of wonderful foods. You sat down across from Cedric as usual and piled your plate with jam covered toast, fluffy scrambled eggs, and bacon.

You hummed with delight as you forked a bit of the eggs in delight, and quickly wolfed down the rest of them. "Slow down," Cedric said, "you'll give yourself hiccups if you eat too fast!"

You slowed down a bit, but still ate your food rather quickly, and finished before it was time to go to class. Since you finished so fast, you decided to pester your friend as payback for his little comments last night. He glared halfheartedly at you, but said nothing since his mouth was full.

Eventually you two had to part ways and go to class. You ran outside to Madam Hooch's class, and beamed at Harry as he waved you over. Brooms were lined up on the ground in front of the students, and you ran over to one next to Harry, "Hi Harry!" Hermione and Ron greeted you too.

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