Chapter 13

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The next morning, after a bit of quiet chastising from Cedric for sneaking out, you went down to breakfast in a rather foul mood. You didn't know why, you had gone to sleep feeling fine, you were just irritable this morning. You saw Harry, Ron and Hermione by the entrance of the great hall, and went to go say hi to them, when you noticed they seemed to be just as foul as you!

All three of them looked frustrated, and kept grumbling at each other. "Good morning," you greeted them.

"What's so good about it?" Ron snapped.

"Ronald!" Hermione smacked his arm and he shot a glare at her.

"What's got your pants in a twist?" you said, taken aback by his sudden and harsh attitude.

"Malfoy turned us in last night when he saw us at Hagrid's and we were given detention," Harry said.

"What? But he went to his dorm right after we walked back!"

"Well he lied and turned is in to Prof. McGonagall. How come he didn't get you?" Hermione asked.

"They're close, he's probably protecting his little muggle friend," Ron hissed, and you glared at him.

"I apologize, Ronald Weasley, for being under the impression that he went straight to his dorm just as I had! That was what he told me he was going to do, and until now, I had no reason to believe otherwise!" you snarled, then turned on your heel and marched back to your table where Cedric waited for you.

"What was that all about?" he asked as you sat down.

"Nothing, don't worry about it," you answered a bit more aggressively than you would have liked. Realizing your mistake, your frustrated expression softened and you said, "Sorry, woke up on the wrong side of the bed this morning."

"It's alright," Cedric said, and pushed a plate of food towards you, "Eat up! It'll put you in a better mood."

Later that day, after school was over, you met up with the others again and after Ron apologized to you, they explained what exactly had happened.
"Now we, as well as Malfoy, have to serve detention. Serves that git right though, snitching on us like that," Ron complained.

"Well, at least now he should have learned his lesson," you said absent mindedly, too focused on your homework to really pay attention. "Tell me how bad it is tomorrow, okay?"

"We will, don't worry," Harry chuckled.

The next day came by quickly, and you soon found yourself sitting in the back of the library with the others as they explained to you what they had seen and learned while in detention. You hadn't expected them to learn anything really, but after you found out that they had to go into the forbidden forest, you were all ears! Harry had seen Voldemort while there, and figured out that Snape was likely trying to get the stone to give to him! You were astonished by this, last you knew, Voldemort was dead! But now he was running around the forest just outside the school grounds and killing unicorns!

A few days later, though, you had nearly pushed those events out of your mind, and began focusing on upcoming exams. You were horribly nervous about them, and despite constant reassurance from Draco and Cedric, you were still terrified. Draco helped you study for your potion exam as best he could (he was one of the best students), and Cedric helped you with Charms. They helped so much, in fact, that you felt quite confident in your abilities while going into those tests. Snape even seemed slightly annoyed by your confidence!

After all the exams were finished, and you were released from class, you joined the others out in the courtyard. "I've always heard Hogwarts' end of the year exams were frightful, but I found that rather enjoyable," Hermione said as you all walked.

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