Chapter 10

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The next few months went by in a blur, and you were relieved when nothing too exciting happened. Snape continued to shoot nasty looks at you and Harry during class, and despite trying to get them to stop multiple times, Draco and Harry still fought relentlessly. It annoyed you to no end, but you couldn't stop it, so eventually you gave up.

Finally, winter break came, and to your surprise, your parents wanted to see you back for Christmas! They did not, however, want Harry coming, so the day you were to leave, you regretfully said goodbye to him until break was over.

"It's alright (y/n), I'd much rather be here than back there! And besides, Ron will be with me!"

"That's true. I'll try to buy you a present though, and hopefully Soren will be able to fly it to you."

You hugged and bid him farewell, then left to get to the train before it left. You were going to miss Cedric as well, and even though you were only going to be away for a little over two weeks, the two of you still exchanged addresses. Draco was waiting for you on the platform, the larger bags you were taking had already been loaded. You still carried Soren with you though, you didn't want her getting crammed in with the luggage. "Do you really have to bring her on there with us?" Draco asked, scrunching up his nose.

"Yes, and if you have a problem with her sitting with us I will happily sit elsewhere," you retorted. Draco sighed and said alright, and the two of you boarded the train and found an empty cabin where you settled down and made yourselves comfortable. Crabbe and Goyle found their way to you two a few minutes later, and you sighed in frustration as they crammed inside and instantly began stuffing their faces again. Draco rolled his eyes with disgust, and moved to sit next to you.

"They remind me of pigs," he whispered to you, and you stifled a giggle.

You pulled another one of your books out of your bag a few minutes later, and Draco looked at you hopefully. He didn't even have to ask for you to know what he wanted.

"Yes of course I'll read it," you said, a knowing grin on your face. He smiled and leaned against the window behind him as you read. Once again, Crabbe and Goyle lost interest in a matter of minutes, and only truly looked alive and functioning when the snack cart came around. Draco had fallen asleep very quickly though, and didn't wake up when the cart came. It wasn't even dark out yet!

You put down your book when the cart came and pulled out the money you still had left over from the beginning of the year. You looked over the contents of the cart, then glanced back at Draco and picked out a few chocolate toads and a box of Bertie Botts every flavor beans. You sat back down a moment later and placed a chocolate frog in one of his hands, which lay folded on his lap.

"He has a weird fascination with you," Crabbe said as you resumed reading.

"I'm sorry?"

"Malfoy, he likes you for some reason."

You shrugged and continue reading, but you could feel Crabbe staring at you, and your ears turned bright pink. Draco woke up a few hours later, and stared at the chocolate frog in his hand with confusion.

"Did I really miss the cart?" he asked, rubbing the sleep from his eyes.

"Yeah, I bought a chocolate frog for you though, I knew you'd want something."

"Oh, thank you!" he said, and unwrapped the frog. It hopped around in his hand for a moment until he popped it in his mouth.

"I'm sorry I fell asleep while you were reading," he said.

"It's fine! You were obviously tired," you yawned.

"Looks like you're tired now as well!"

You chuckled and nodded, you had to admit, your eyelids were starting to get rather heavy. It had grown dark outside, so the dreary weather, the dim light, and the warmth inside the train were all quickly lulling you to sleep. Eventually, you succumbed to your exhaustion and fell fast asleep.

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