Act 1, Scene 1

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     Gregory and Sampson of Capulet's law firm were happy to have a company outing at Panera Bread. It was a great opportunity for them to get to know each other better. For they were already great friends. They were sitting down at a booth, waiting for the rest of the company and enjoying their Avocado toast over small talk. Gregory and Sampson or Greg and Sam, as they prefer; were having a great time...until the Montagues walked in. They were company rivals and any affiliation with them was highly frowned upon. There was a rumor that if you had even talked to a Montague once in your life, you would not be hired to work at Capulet's Law Firm. 

     The Capulets hatred was not one sided at all. The Montagues despised Capulets just as much if not more than the Capulets despised the Montagues. It was a perfect balance. Harmony so to speak. Until they were in a room together. One look at the teenage boy wearing the signature Montague suit and Sam couldn't keep quiet anymore. When the teenager and his friend caught Sam's eye he flipped them off. Greg could barely contain his laughter, especially after seeing the look on the teenagers faces. It was priceless! The teenagers stormed towards the table. Sam wasn't to worried. A fight between the two law firms was nothing out of the ordinary. 

     "Did you just flip me off??" The smaller teenager said while puffing up his chest in an attempt to look bigger. 

     "I flipped someone off" Sam smiled and stood up, he was easily a foot taller than the taller teenager. Greg wanted to laugh but he noticed the Capulets and Montagues had both arrived and well, he couldn't lose his job. He had kids at home. 

     "So you did flip us off!" The taller one spoke up. He had obviously did not realize that both families were standing right behind them. 

     "What is going on here?" Montague's voice silenced the teenagers and practically the whole Panera. A few workers rolled their eyes, they've seen this scene so many times before. All of the staff had the chief of police on speed dial for when the families schedule team lunch for the same day. Even Chief of Police, Officer Escalus sits at his desk waiting for a phone call on those days. 

     "It is obvious that your teenage staff are assaulting MY employees!!" Capulet yelled in response  as Prince Escalus bursts through the doors, he got called as soon as Greg and Sam walked in.

      "Maybe everyone should just stay calm and enjoy lunch?" A Montague worker with a name tag reading Benvolio suggests. He always suggested peace. His suggestions were never successful. 

     "I suggest everyone clear out now before I start making arrests. I'm tired of having to deal with this petty feud. Next time their will be no warning! Understand!" The entire Panera excluding the two Law Firms sigh. Officer Escalus had arrived to save their dining experience. Mr. and Mrs. Montague wait for the Capulets to leave, no doubt moving their staff lunch to Chik-fil-a. Mrs. Montague scowls at the idea of having a staff lunch there. How tacky. 

     "Where's Romeo?" Montague asks Benvolio and Mercutio, two of Romeo's closest friends. 

     They look around to find him walking, well rather sulking, out of the Panera restroom. 

     "You guys go ahead and leave, I've got this handled." The rest of the group nodded and left Benvolio to talk to Romeo. 

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