Act 2, Scene 4

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     Juliet gathered her courage and grabbed a flashlight from her desk. She crept outside and onto the balcony, almost as if something was going to jump out and attack her. She shined the flashlight directly in front of her. Only to find two eyes staring back into hers. It was Romeo or as Juliet knows him, the boy from earlier. An ear piercing scream escaped her lips and the flashlight dropped from her hand. Juliet ran inside as quickly as she could. Faster than she had ever moved before, locking the balcony door behind her. Romeo wasted no time climbing a tree and hopping onto the balcony. 

     Once he was settled he began to loudly profess his undying love for her. Juliet watched in horror as he compared her to light for the 5th time. After he was out of breath he sat down and just stared through the glass door at Juliet. She did the same to him. He was paralyzed with love and her, fear. Juliet wanted to move, to scream, to do anything to make him go away. But she couldn't. They stood like that for what seemed like way to long for Juliet and not nearly long enough for Romeo. The trance was broken by the lights of a car that was pulling into the Capulet driveway. Romeo took off running in the opposite direction before Juliet could even blink. She sighed, this is the most relieved she has ever been that Nurse is home.

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