Act 4, Scene 1

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Dear Journal,

         This will bee y last entry and I feel you need an explanation why. Deserve an explanation why. I am surprisingly calm. Maybe this is my fate. I'm not explaining well. For sitting in a pool of blood (I don't know who's it is anymore) my mind is surprisingly clear. Paris and I arrived at my house at around 8:40. He was nice but we decided to just be friends, he was very kind. Romeo greeted us at the door. I was face to face with my stalker for the first time. He seems so...human. I wanted to run, scream, or punch him. But I let him lead Paris and I inside without a word. As soon as I entered the kitchen I knew something was wrong. The smell was horrendous and badly covered up by some cheap cleaner. Tybalt was laying on the table. He was stiller than I've ever seen him before. He usually was so energetic. Romeo walked over to the table and gestured for me to sit down. I didn't want him that close to Tybalt. I slowly made my way to Tybalt, That's when I realized, his nose wasn't twitching. 

     "What did you do to him?" My voice was already beginning to crack. I needed to find my strength. 

     "I had to make dinner for you somehow love. The little guy struggled and bit Mercutio before he left. We went through all that for you" Romeo's smile didn't falter.

     "I found Tybalt outside and rescued him. He was sick and I wanted to give him a good life. I hope your friend Mercutio enjoys having Rabies." My face was soaked with tears I stumbled towards Paris who (luckily) caught me. 

     "Get out of my house now before I call the police or take care of you myself. You're a monster's what you are" That was the bravest thing I've ever said. Romeo's face fell. He was silent for a few moments before looking towards Paris who was still behind me. Romeo's jaw clenched. 

     "Friar told me you would like the dinner. That he was your friend Juliet. That this would make you for deeper in love with me. It's because of Paris isn't it? He is in the way of OUR love story." Romeo grabbed a knife of the counter. It had previously been on a recently used cutting board. 

     "Whoa buddy put down the knife" Paris said stepping in front of me. Before I could push him out of the way Paris screamed and fell backwards into me. I wrapped my arms under his to hold him up. He was heavier but my adrenaline was stronger. My hands grew wet with blood. Romeo was looming over us watching the scene unfold. 

     "Paris...I'm so sorry" I choked. He didn't deserve to die. 

     "Juliet" it came out as a whisper, "don't let him win" I watched as the light died in Paris's eyes. 

     I removed the knife from Paris's chest and pointed it towards Romeo. 

     "Baby, I had to... he was in the way of us." Romeo smiled softly. Almost as if there was an ounce of compassion in him.

     "I don't love you Romeo and I never, ever will." I stepped towards him with the knife. Romeo looked from me to the knife then into my eyes.

     "A life without Juliet is no life worth living." Romeo walked over to the sink and opened the cabinet under it. He pulled out the container of bleach and removed he cap. I couldn't move, only watch.

     "Goodbye my love, one day we will be reunited once again." With that Romeo chugged the bleach until it was empty. I watched as he gagged. Romeo clutched his throat and then his stomach before collapsing on the ground. I can still hear him gagging. He's laying in front of me with his back turned towards me. I had no other choice. I hope for something good to come of our deaths but I won't be around long enough to know. Things are beginning to get fuzzy. Where I stabbed myself in the stomach is beginning to bleed harder or at least I think so. Maybe it is just  life leaving my body. Either way.

                                                                                                          Yours Truly, 


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