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"Get in and shut up."

A new voice growled as I was shoved into a running vehicle. I wasn't sure if I was in the backseat or the trunk, but I wasn't going to risk feeling around to find out. I had already hit my head on the way in and the pain was radiating through my temple. I sat in that car and prayed, prayed for the first time since the day my mother had died. Prayed to live for just one more day.                                                 

        The car ride felt like the longest of my life. Every time the car came to a halt I was afraid I would be thrown out of the car and off a bridge. It wasn't dying that scared me, it was the fact that I didn't know when it would happen that did. The material wrapped around my eyes hindered me from seeing anything but darkness. I would not let myself cry, if I was going to die I would die wearing a mask of bravery to hide the brokenness deep inside from the world. The car came to what was going to be it's final stop. As I was dragged out of the car by callused hands I felt the rain hit my skin. I could hear it hitting the ground beneath my feet and whatever surrounded me. I stood frozen in the place, afraid that if I were to take one step it'd be to my death. Before the car drove away, the man returned, cutting the zip tie from around my wrists and spitting words that I don't think I could ever forget.

"Tell Harry that next time, you'll be dead and so will he."

As I listened to the car speed away, I sunk to the ground, resting my knees on the wet cement.  With shaky hands I took of the material from around my eyes, hesitant to look at my surroundings. I started to recognize the familiar buildings with blurry eyes. Taking a few deep breathes, I stood heading towards the closest payphone, hoping that the small amount of money I found in my back pocket would be enough.

I pushed the coins into the metal slot, listening as the went in and fell with a 'ting'. I wiped the rain from my face with my damp sleeve, trying my best to remember Harry's number. The numbers on the payphone pad were old and worn, making it hard to distinguish between numbers. I typed in the last digit and pressed call, pressing the cold,metal phone to my ear. After the first few rings, anxiety began to crash over me. I only had enough change for two calls, and if Harry didn't answer the first one, I doubted he would answer the second. There was no way I'd be able to walk home in the dark, I was nearly twenty minutes away by car, and I honestly couldn't remember which way was home. As Harry's voice-mail box message filled my ears I slammed the phone down on the receiver, closing my eyes in hopes to keep my tears from falling.

 "Please answer"

I mumbled over and over as if someone else could hear me. I dialed the only other number I knew, the number of one of the very few people Harry trusted. The rain poured down as I waited for him to pick up, a few of my own tears adding to the puddles forming all around me. 


The voice on the other line spoke, making my chest hurt a little less.


I questioned, wanting to make sure that I had dialed the right number.

"Evangeline. Is everything ok?"

He said, seeming in a rush.

"I need you to come pick me up, please. Harry won't answer. I'm at the payphone by Rege's Pizza."

I spoke, hoping that he would be able to or at least send someone to.

"I'll be there soon."

He mumbled into the phone, whispering something to someone else. I let out a sigh of relief, happy to finally reach someone.

"Thank you."

I mumbled into the phone, but it was too late, he had already hung up. I really hoped he'd be here soon. My clothes were completely soaked and I could feel my hair beginning to curl as it too became drenched. I stood up against the building behind the payphone, hoping that the small awning would block some of the rain.

"What happened?"

Louis asked as soon as I sat down in his SUV. I pushed my wet hair behind my ears and took a deep breath. Trying to recall everything that had happened. I told him what happened as I remembered it. He kept his eyes on the road as I spoke, but I kept my eyes on him.  There was something off, but I couldn't place it. He had a much harsher facial expression than the last time I had seen him. It must've been all the stress from everything that had happened. My experience definitely wasn't helping. After I finished telling him everything that happened, he remained silent. 

"Thank you"

I said to Louis as I opened the car door. The car's interior light illuminated his full figure, along with the car console. That's when I noticed the handgun in the cup holder and the blood splatter on the cuff of his shirt. I shut the door and waved as he drove off, glad to be home. I typed the six digit security code into the keypad next to the door, rushing in and up the steps, not saying a word to any of the men. I reached the door to our flat, pausing a moment and listening for any voices inside. I walked into the empty flat, my heart sinking to the floor. I just needed him. I needed his embrace, the comfort of his heartbeat. I wanted to feel safe again, but no matter how many guards surrounded the building, I would never feel safe without Harry. 

After peeling off my soaking clothes, I called Harry, multiple times, but he didn't answer. I gave up around 4am, deciding to go to bed. I put out my cigarette, adding one last cigarette to the ashtray I had nearly filled. I fell asleep alone in our king size bed and dreamt of death. 

"Evangeline. Evangeline, wake up."

Harry spoke softly, gently shaking me awake. I was glad to hear his voice, I was glad to see him in front of me, alive. 

"What happened to you? Where did you go?"

He questioned, sitting down next to me. His wet clothes indicated that he too had been outside for more than a few minutes.

"I went for a walk."

I began, taking a moment to recall everything that happened in detail.

"A day long walk?"

He asked.

"You didn't let me finish. I went for a walk and I was taken captive."

Harry didn't stop me again. He let me tell him everything and I watched anger fill his eyes as I told him every detail. I could no longer hold back my tears. When I finished he sat in silence for a moment, before standing from the couch.

"Please. Please, don't leave me."

I pleaded, causing Harry to stop mid step on his way towards the door. He pulled out his phone, typed a short message and then returned it to his pocket. 

"I will never leave you, I promise."

He spoke as he crawled into the bed, wrapping his arms tightly around me. I spent the rest of my time awake in his arms trying to convince myself that he would keep his promise. 

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