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"I just need to ask you a few routine questions and then I'll be on my way. Do you have security cameras?"

I asked the clerk, slipping my 'badge' into my pants pocket. Evangeline wondered through the aisles behind me trying to make it seem like we weren't together.  The clerk was an average teenage boy, forehead covered in acne and very naive.

"Yeah. One inside and one out."

He answered after a pause, it was obvious he was afraid that he had done something wrong. It was easier for me if he was nervous, because that meant he wouldn't be tempted to ask questions or to inspect my badge. 

"I'm going to need to see the tapes, do you have them?"

I questioned, leaning closer to the boy. Evangeline had dropped something in the back, causing me to turn and look. She scrambled to pick up the candy bar that slid under the shelf. I couldn't help but to smile as she jumped up from the floor triumphant and proud of her rescue of the candy bar. She was so beautiful.

"Yes, just one second, detective."

The clerk replied drawing me back into focus. He disappeared behind a door labeled "Employees Only" and returned with a disk in his hand.

"These are the recordings for the past week."

The CD was labeled with the week and covered with the boy's greasy fingerprints.

"Thank you very much."

I stated, grabbing the CD from his hand and turning towards the door. I looked back at Evangeline and nodded, letting her know it was time to go. She placed the magazine in her hand back on the shelf and headed towards the door.

"Hey, you'll bring it back right? I don't know how to make copies and my boss will kill me if he knows I gave it away without making a new one."

He stammered, shoving his hands in his pockets.

"I'll return it as soon as the investigation is over."

I lied, watching Evangeline walk out of the door in the corner of my eye.

"Ok. Have a nice day."

He nodded and I walked out the bell on the door ringing as it swung shut behind me. As I rounded the corner I pulled the fake badge out of my pocket and tossed it in the nearest bin. Evangeline was waiting for me in the car, eating a candy bar. 

"Where did you get that?"

I asked, pulling out of the petrol station parking lot. 

"I stole it. It was all dirty and I ripped the wrapper when it fell, nobody would've bought it anyways."

She explained, taking another bite of the bar. I found it cute how she felt she needed to explain herself, even though she knew all the horrible things I had done. I continued to drive without saying anything else, I wanted to get home as quick as possible. I needed to know who had done those things to Evangeline. I needed to know who murdered Zayn.

"Do you want the last bite?"

Evangeline asked, waving the small portion of the candy bar left to in front of me.  

"Actually, I do."

I replied, parking the car and then turning to face her.

"Too late, you snooze you loose."

She laughed, dramatically crumpling the wrapper and placing it in the cup holder. I frowned, but before I could complain she leaned across the console and kissed me. And like always her kiss made the world stop and all of my problems disappeared for a few, blissful seconds. 


- Evangeline -

        The video on the screen went by in a blur as Harry continued to press the fast forward button. He carefully watched the date and time stamp in the bottom right corner. As soon as yesterdays date flashed on the screen he pressed play, both of us watching the video intently looking for the men. The station was very busy that day, making it seem almost impossible to find two average looking men.

"Wait that's them!"

I exclaimed, Harry scrambling to pause the video. He kept playing it at small increments hoping that the camera caught a glimpse of their faces. After five minutes of playing the two minutes of video over and over, Harry moved very close to the television set getting what I assumed to be a better view.

"I know who they are."

He sat back, running both his hands down his face. His reaction confused me, if he knew who they were it would be easier to find them?

"Who are they?"

I asked, watching as Harry stared at the television in some sort of shock.

"Louis's old friends."

He said, taking in a deep breath. Something was wrong, but I knew Harry wouldn't tell me what.

"What does that mean?"

I asked, still attempting to figure out what was going on. 

"I'm not sure."

Harry mumbled, looking back at the television paused on the mens' faces. When I looked in his eyes I could see he was drowning and needed some sort of rescue. Later, I realized there was nothing I could do other than to jump in with him. 

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