CH. 10

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I don't own My Hero Academia

She had woken up in U.A's infirmary, her body covered by a thin blanket and Recovery Girl standing beside her. (Y/n) looked around the room that she had yet to be in, it was a big difference in comparison to the orange flames that lit up streets and screaming children and adults.

"Is All Might alright?" Her voice was scratchy from breathing in smoke from the blazing fires moments ago, her throat dry and rough. The elder woman beside her gave a look of concern and confusion upon hearing the unusual question.

Recovery Girl was quiet before she answered, "What do you mean? Of course the man's alright, why wouldn't he be?"

(Y/n) shook her head, she wasn't in that place anymore and this was way before that timeline. "Nothing. I just had a dream." She waved it off and swept her legs to the side of the infirmary bed to get up. The limbs were tingling, though not the feeling that she was going to disappear, but from being asleep.

"I should call Aizawa and Principal Nezu to tell them you're out of bed, I'll be back." Recovery Girl said as she walked away to call the man and rodent. (Y/n) waited for the woman to turn her back before looking at her hands, clenching them into fists and closing her eyes, imagining the familiar hallway outside the door.

Her bare feet landed on a cold floor making her eyes open. (Y/n) was now in U.A's halls and was dressed in a burnt and roughed-up uniform, her shoes and socks being left back in the infirmary. She'd given up on not using her Quirk, maybe if she used it enough she'd end back up with Proxima. (Y/n) heard someone slowly coming down the hallway she was in, the footsteps sounding like a heartbeat in her ears.

(Y/n) ran as quietly as she could away from the student or teacher and turned down the next hall, only to bump into a chest. Her heart stopped once she felt the impact thinking it was a teacher, Aizawa or All Might to be specific, that would bring her straight to Nezu.

"Why are you running, (L/n)?" Todoroki Shouto asked monotonously as per usual, on every occasion (Y/n) had heard him he was speaking like that, and a blank expression on his face.

The (h/c) haired girl didn't know how to respond to him. She didn't know if he'd tell the teachers about her running away or not but he didn't seem like the type to just tell on her without a full understanding of the situation.

Todoroki waited impatiently for her to respond, a glare slowly entering his gaze. "I had to go to the bathroom. I have a bladder issue, you know." (Y/n) lied blatantly but soon became embarrassed after, not really knowing why she had to say the last part.

Shouto's features morphed into one of disgust. "I do not think I needed to know that. You might want to hurry or you might just have a bladder failure." He commented before brushing past her briskly without another word.

(Y/n) let out a sigh of relief and continued on her way, finding a clear and abandoned hallway. With a snap of her fingers, her clothes changed from the destroyed uniform to the form-fitting and smooth feeling of her training suit.

Her other self must have loved her U.A suit because the two suits were identical except for the colors and two eskrima sticks on the future one. "I don't know how I didn't know that was me." (Y/n) muttered before waving her hand.

Instead of a purple, pixilated portal opening, nothing happened besides the girl looking quite dumb if someone were to see. She waved her hand a couple of times again but the result was the same for all of them.

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