CH. 16

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I don't own My Hero Academia

To say Kirishima was panicking was an understatement, he was ultimately losing his mind at the fact that his female classmate had just disappeared in his arms. The redhead sat on one of the infirmary's beds with his head in his hands as Recovery Girl reassured him that everything was alright.

The elderly woman sighed, "It's not my place to say anything about her but I'm sure Aizawa will tell the class soon enough." Kirishima's head tilted up to look at her.

"Tell us what? That (L/n) disappeared into thin air while I was carrying her?" He croaked out making Shuzenji shake her head at him. "You'll see, young man."


(Y/n) giggled at the two men in front of her, shaking her head in amusement. They were picking out clothes that they thought she'd like and after deciding if they were right or not, they'd throw it in the cart they had.

"Guys, I only need one outfit. I have more than enough clothes back in my world." She reminded as the pile in the shopping cart slowly got bigger. Todoroki and Bakugou stopped and turned around to see her. They smiled sheepishly before standing on either side of her, (Y/n) being the one who pushed the cart.

She found a loose fitting, purple t-shirt and black leggings; a simple outfit that she could wear back to her world. Todoroki glanced over at Bakugou and seen the boy looking back at him. "You should get them," The latter insisted causing (Y/n)'s attention to turn to him. "The purple will make sure you remember me giving you the suit. And so you don't forget about me."

"Us. The suit was in my house, Bakugou." Shouto corrected and Katsuki rolled his eyes then nodded, "It's your decision."

(Y/n) smiled before taking the two pieces of clothing and setting them in the now empty cart. "Thanks, Todoroki, I'll remember both of you. I don't know how I couldn't." She teased and they blushed a light pink as they went to pay for her things.

The trio left the store with a single hand in (Y/n)'s hand, though the two fought with her about it, and began to make their way back to Todoroki's apartment building. "What happened to the others after you graduated from U.A?" She asked out of the blue, startling the two.

"Most of us-" Bakugou began to talk but quickly got interrupted by screams coming from behind them. The ash-blonde and his friends pivoted around to see what the commotion was only to find a small ball of white heading straight towards them.

Their eyes widened in shock as it ran past them and down the street in a hurry. "Was that a baby polar bear? Is there even a zoo around here?" (Y/n) exclaimed after snapping out her daze. "There might be, but I'm not the person you should be asking." Bakugou replies before (Y/n) began to run after the fluff ball.

Todoroki and Bakugou followed her with panic flooding their bodies. "She's going to get herself killed!" Bakugou shouted over the erratic screams around them. "(Y/n) is not defenseless, Bakugou, she can handle herself if it comes time to." Todoroki remarked as they turned a corner.

It led to a dead end, the polar bear cub and (Y/n) standing only a few feet away from each other. "(Y/n)!" They called out from behind her. She knelt down in front of the tiny bear with an outstretched hand, the bear covering it's head instinctively.

"Is that how a Polar Bear is supposed to respond? Aren't they supposed to be-I don't know-dangerous?" Bakugou whispered to the two-colour haired man next to him. Todoroki didn't answer but instead watched the interaction happening a couple feet away from him.

(Y/n) softly rubbed the clear fur on it's head with a small smile on her face. "I'm not going to hurt you, you don't have to hide from me." She cooed and they peeked their head up through it's paws. After seeing she meant no harm, it carefully pushed itself up off the ground and pushed it's head up against her hand.

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