21: Boundaries

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She could feel his hand get warmer in hers and wondered how none of the emotions that went through her now had ever occurred to her before. She had known Charles for so long, but she would never had guessed something of the sort would happen.

Marie couldn't lie to herself, however. She internally revelled in the feel of his soft palm against her own and the warmth they were generating was oddly soothing.

"Which room would I have?" The volume of his voice had lowered dramatically.

Marie enjoyed that element of huskiness she had never heard from him before. What was this scene unfolding right before her eyes? She didn't intend to draw him in, yet it felt so right.

"The guest room. It's always ready. My mother likes to keep it that way in case we have surprise visitors." She answered, but the words had no meaning for her. She was focussed so intently on the shape of his lips. They looked so very full and well-rounded that she was amazed that she hadn't noticed before.

"It's kind of chilli tonight," he pressed closer to her. They were chest to chest now and he could feel her breast falling and rising beneath him.

Marie felt Charles shiver a little. "Does the heating system work well?"

"Of course it does." Marie let out a nervous laugh; she was steaming up, no doubt her heating system worked well too. She placed her hands on his chest. They felt at home there, resting on that broad, muscular surface. "This is the Grand Dukedom's mansion we're speaking of."

"In that case. . ." he closed his eyes for a moment and reached in closer to her face. He grasped her waist and pulled her body against his own.

Marie extended her neck and closed her eyes after him. She was relishing the feeling of his strong hands on her body, and the contour of his thighs in his well-fitted, formal breeches edging closer to the gap in her legs. Now she only wished she wasn't wearing her pyjamas. If only she still had her gorgeous blue dress on! Their faces were now touching, and it seemed their lips were seeking each other, naturally gravitating towards one another.

"In that case, Charles?"

"Oh, no." Charles let out a sigh and stepped back.

The moment was gone.

Marie remained standing where she was, her eyes searching for his lips. "What's wrong?"

He started pacing up and down, "No, Marie, we can't. I'm so sorry, it's all my fault." He came towards her and took both her hands in his. He whispered, "I'm so sorry, Marie. I shouldn't have."

"But Charles—"

"No, Marie, don't. Just tell me you accept my apology." He stopped walking and stared directly at her.

Marie couldn't see his eyes clearly in the dark, but she could imagine those mesmerising green eyes of his piercing into the depths of her own dark eyes. "I don't see why, Charles, really. I mean, I—"

"No, I won't hear it." He let out an exasperated sigh and ran both his hands through his hair. "Well, tell Robert I'll see him tomorrow. Apologise to the Her Grace for me about borrowing one of her drivers. Bye, Marie."

He turned to leave, but Marie grabbed him by his arm. She had composed herself now, and she spoke clearly, "Will I see you tomorrow Charles? At the picnic?"

"Yes," was simply all that he gave as answer. She dropped her hand and let his arm go free.

Charles turned to leave once again, took a step, but then turned back. Marie watched him hesitantly. Inwardly, she was hoping he had changed her mind and he was coming back to kiss her.

He came towards her, took her right hand gently and pressed it to his lips. He closed his eyes as he did so, and Marie watched his figure intently. The sensation of those same full, well-rounded lips she was studying before, now kissing her hand left her weak at the knees.

She let out an unintentional sigh, "Oh, Charles." She caught herself in time before saying anything else.

He let go of her hand just as gently as he had picked it up. "Bye, milady."

This time, he turned and left. 

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