January 11, 2014

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"COME ON!!!!!! WE'RE GONNA BE LATE IF WE DONT RUN!!!!!!!!!" I yelled at my friend as we raced the bell to our class. We sat down out of breath, I looked over and she was terrified. I look over and our teacher was dead. We were both silent like we were also dead. We both panicked. I nodded to her and we got ready for who ever did this to comeback. Our principal came in and saw it all. The guards of Alfidawn Kingdom came dragged us out with charges of murder. We were thrown in a cell and waited day and night. Then another person was thrown in while we were asleep. He could have not done anything worse than get in trouble and wound up in the same cell as us. I woke up to my friend and him talking about how all this happened. I had horrible bed head.

"Rise and shine! Looks like you slept well!" He said happy. He smiled. I curled back up in a ball with the blankets and wafted at him. He was surprised at my action and then thought it would be funny to pull the sheets from me. Except I came along with the blankets. I laid there in my pjs on the ground. My cat-like ears popped out and twitched once. I sat up, shivering. "Sorry" he blurdded out. He was blushing at the fact I wore silk. My friend snickered when he blushed and said something very embarrassing but I don't remember it. I sat in a pile of the blankets as my eyes beamed back and forth from the walls. Guards opened the doors and jesturde for all of us to come out. We followed him to the palace. Before I even knew it I was kneeling before the king and his family.

"Arise my subjects! You are not here for a murder, I have asked for you!" He proclaimed. We sighed at the fact we weren't talking about a murder. His guards brought out three weapons. A sword, a bow with arrows, and a staff. "Shadow, you are rewarded with the bow! Your agility will be graceful with the bow. Emerald, you get the staff because you were raised to be a nobalmen Mage! And Azorra, you get the sword, close rang attacks are your specialty!" He smiled. We smiled back. Me and my pj-ed friends walked over and checked out our new weapons. Azorra swung her sword, Shadow tried out his aiming with the bow, I tried my magic out on a training dummy outside. The king clapped at our fast learning. "Well done! Well done... now to be able to use these weapons you have to work for me!" He said looking at us with a smile. I smiled and nodded. My friends also agreed. The Queen, his son and his daughter were very thrilled.

"Sir, what will we do?!?" I asked, my ears twitched again.

"Well, first it will be to gather the crystals of Growdden! Then if you make it through that then we'll see!" He explained to me. The guards gave us armor and the maids helped us into the underclothing. They were so much help. The princess came over and handed me a little person that she called a Chibi-Navi. She was dressed in a Mage-like outfit equipped with dragon fly wings. I bowed and thanked her. My friends also got one for themselves equipped with different type of wings. They sat in my pockets. He handed Shadow a scroll and a letter. Shadow nodded and walked towards us.

"We got a map and what we're looking for..." He said. I smiled and then turned and bowed at the king. We then left and got on already prepared horses. Once we were out of sight of Alfidawn kingdom I stopped and put on my Mage paint. I was part of the Clawton tribe. Afterwards we headed towards Growdden mountains. It started to get dark and we sat up camp. My friends were sleeping like the dead. I was so squirmy, the floor was uncomfortable and so I got up. I basically was sitting in the fire because of how close I was to it. I listened to the embers crackle. But then I picked up a snap of a twig. I turned around fast enough to react to an arrow. I swiped my hand infront of me and slapped the arrow away. My friends woke up from my screaming as they dragged me by my arms. They too were apprehended.

"Well, this sucks!" I said

"No dur!" Azorra said alittle pissed.

"So what now?" Shadow asked.

"Well let's see ummm there is the hole chains problem or we could just walk out of here!" I said looking at the wall.

"Emerald, can't you pick your way out, using your nails?!?" Shadow asked with hope.

I shook my head.

"Crap, Kitty got declawed!!!!!!" Azorra exclaimed.

I hanged there in pain thinking. A man came in. He had torches and a whip.

"Which one first?" The man asked. "Alright! The cat first!" He said starring at me with a deadly smile. Men came in and unchained me. They dragged me out and onto a platform. Where my hands were tied to two post. He had his whip out and asked me a question. "ARE YOU QUOWATICAL SPIES?!?" I shook my head, no. He whipped me on the back. "TELL ME THE TRUTH!!!!" He replied with another whip. I shook my head again. "DANG IT TELL ME!!!!" His gruff voice was harsh as he kept interrogating me. Tears fell from my chin one at a time. They brought out Shadow, he was bleeding from the left eye. He was slashed on the left side of his face just barely missing his eye. They ripped his shirt and asked him the same questions. He answered no. Then they brought out Azorra. She was fine but the men were not. They were out cold.

"Dang it how many times do I have to save y'all from this kind of stuff?" She said so laid back. She snapped her fingers and we were free. The man was on his knees, dead. I knelt there in pain. Shadow came over and helped me up. I teared up and laid my head on his shoulder. He blushed when I did this. My friend smiled at this and made a remark on it which uneased Shadow a whole lot. We grabbed our weapons and the Navis then left again on horse back. We went back to camp and gathered our untouched stuff and food supply. We headed strait towards Growdden. I was tired and in pain, much pain. I didn't notice but I had an arrow in my leg. They looked back and saw that I was pale. We stopped and that's when they realized I had an arrow in my leg. I lost a lot of blood. They got me food and fresh water. We went to the closest village to find a docter. I had to stay there for a few days. Then they decided it was time to take out the arrow. Men and women held me down. Shadow and Azorra held me down by the shoulders and arms. The docter quickly pulled out the arrow and I almost kicked him. He sowed me up and put some bandaging on it and said to stay off it. The locals were nice to us. A week later and we were off again towards the close by mountains. We packed it all the way to the temple where we entered with our weapons. We got to the heart of the temple and saw our first trail. A dragon laid there asleep. We readied our weapons as we cautiously walked slowly and quietly around the beast. A

"Azorra, what's wrong?" I asked

"I'm- gonna- sneeze-!" She said holding her finger to her nose. My eyes grew wide.

"Hold it in!" I demanded

"I can't!" She said so pissed.

"Shadow run!" I hollard. He looked back and then started running to the exit. She sneezed, the beast opened its eyes, and I dragged her to the exit as it snapped at us. We finally caught up with Shadow when it happened.

I fell to my knees and felt despair fall with him. I grabbed Shadows hand but started to slip. The edge was jagged and left deep cuts on my rist. Finally he made me let go. Azorra held me back from jumping after him. I cried and yelled until I couldn't. She bandaged my hand up.

"They'll be scars from how deep they are. I mean emotionally and physically. Your lucky he didn't take your hand with him!" She said kinda cheerful. We went to bed and woke up. We made a latter to the other side; we walked until we got to the third challenge. A giant stood there, infront of the exit. I sighed and got my staff ready. She got her sword ready. We both charged at the giant ready to take it head on! But it kinda stomped on Azorra.


As I waited for my friend to jump out and scare me, I stood there looking up at the giant. "Well CRAP! IM SCREWED!" I hollard, which wasn't a good idea. The giant looked down at me and tried to stomp on me like my friend. Each step nearly got me. As he stepped I saw my friend lying on the ground. I took a chance and leaped across its foot to where my friend was. I picked her and ran for the exit. Once we were safely away from it we got to this big open room. As we walked in so did Shadow. As we all ran towards the center we noticed eachother. Me and Shadow hugged and Azorra and Shadow high fived. After the greetings, Azorra put her sword to Shadow.

"That's not Shadow! Shadow had a bow and arrows, this thing has a sword!" She said angrily, keeping an eye on him. He smiled devilishly at me and her. He clapped slowly as he circled around us.

"Well, well, aren't we an observant one! Vanten, please! It's me! It's her; she's the one who we should be against!" He said smiling at me. I shook my head and took a step back. His smile went away and a frown took it's place. He walked pass Azorra to me. He smiled again. "Vanten, Vanten! My poor dear Vanten; you are confused!" He said grabbing me by the arms. I shook out of his grip and fell backwards. Azorra then stabbed him in the stomach from behind. She helped me up and with a haste to our retreat; we grabbed the crystals.

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