March 2, 2014

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I slept in the silence of the moonlight; a bottle of holy water gently pressed to my chest. My hair, a lushes brown swirled over my face, masking my fluttering green eyes. A navy tank top fitted to my body revealing my abdomen; black sweat pants laid loosely covering my pale, gentle legs. Many creatures of the night came swarming to my window ceil, tapping and hissing, spitting out my name. Vanten. As they scratched at my window a man came in, but not through the door. He quickly phased through my wooden walls, clasped his hand on my shoulder and gently shook me once. I rolled over, showing my emerald green eyes. I looked at him in a morose and tired way. He smiled a cocky, arrogant, know-it-all smile at me. I groaned and rolled back on to my side. He nudged me again. I opened the bottle of holy water and let a drop touch his skin. He quickly pulled his hand back as he gasped in pain. Steam arose from his hand and he looked at me, angered. I closed my eyes, took a deep breath, and dozed off back into sleep.

The sun arose with a magnificent blue sky. I smiled gently and like the sun, I arose from bed with a long, big yawn. The man silently walked through my walls again. He held an envelope. As I slipped my black jacket over my navy blue tank top, he sighed at all the scars on my arms. I took the envelope from him and opened it. I glanced through it and looked at him. He shrugged and left.

The letter said:

Dear Miss Van Tesla Helsing,

We have another mission for you; we will send a Vatican-plane to your location to take you to your destination. You will meet up with a Watcher named James, your personal Watcher will be relieved from his duties as your protector. I hope your trip goes well; James will explain once you arrive.

-Vatican agent Nightcore

I folded the letter neatly and walked to my dresser. I reached out and pulled on one of the drawers. Tank tops and jeans were flattened to fit the dresser. One by one jeans were stacked, tank tops and socks were sorted and picked out. A big suit case was dragged in. Pile after pile I laid everything in the suit case in an un-orderly way that only I could manage. The suitcase rolled across the lawn leaving tracks behind. My watcher left and I was driven to the airport where I got on the Vatican plane. I sighed as the plane landed ten hours later. Men brought me my luggage and showed me to a car. I sat there silent, thinking I was on my way to The Vatican's payed for hotel room in upper Germany. The men waited till it was night; one man grabbed me by the arm and threw me out the car. They stopped the car and got out. Hissing and fangs flaring in anger, they clutched my arms tightly. I barely could move and was horrified. Fear ran through my body and I couldn't think. I felt the mans breath on my neck. I closed my eyes knowing it was the end of my career. Out of nowhere I felt a whiz of air go by my face and the vampire was on the ground, dead. A man leaped out of the trees and walked over to me. "Gooden-taug froylyne, Van Tesla!" He said nicely. I looked at him surprised.

"Do you speak English?" I asked curiously. He nodded and smiled. "James?" I said as he drove steaks into the vampires heart. The sun fell and left us in the dark. He wiped his hands and rushed over to me.

"Stay close..." he said rushing me over to the empty car. He slammed the door on my side and got to the drivers door. He leaped in turned the key and floored to the house I was staying at. The house was huge; it was three stories high and almost took up the land it was on. I walked in and three men greeted me. They were all wearing the same thing; a black suit, white gloves, and a black tie. James, the vampire, took me to the dining room where food was ready. I saw turkey, chicken, pork, salads, and soups spread across the table. My stomach growled and I held the fork ready to scarf down every single piece of meat in front of me. Suddenly James cleared his throat and looked worried. "How long are you going to stay here?" He asked. I shrugged at the question; he sighed in frustration and rephrased the question. "How long did the letter say you are staying here?" He asked again.

"Until my mission is done. Why?" I said, taking a sip of my drink. He sighed again; I plopped a piece of chicken on my plate and began to eat it. He cleared his throat again and waved his hands for the three men to come over. They leaned in and James whispered something in their ears. They smiled and went to the kitchen.

"I heard you like Alfredo. Do you like Alfredo?" He asked looking at me pitifully.

"It's one of my favorites, I suppose so." I said cutting and eating my chicken and turkey. Soon after the three men came out. They brought out three separate plates piled high with Alfredo. I looked in amazement at the mountains of Alfredo. He smiled at me and went back to eating. I glanced over at him and was confused. "How can you eat normal food if your a vampire?" I asked.

"The three men you see are wizards; they have created a tonic for me so I can eat normal human food. I thought you knew!" He said between sips of his "wine". I shrugged at him and pulled a plate of Alfredo towards me. I stabbed the sauce coated noodles and slurped them up. James watched in astonishment. "Don't be worried; no there vampires can come in so we shouldn't be bothered!" He said.

"I'm not worried-" I started

"Yes you are, I can hear your voice quiver and I can see it in your eyes!" He said kinda angrily.

"Excuse me! I am the one that has been fighting vampires since I was six not you!" I yelled at him. I stood up from my chair and glared at him. "I'm excusing myself from the table... I would like it if you showed me to my room," I looked over at him. He smiled and put down his fork on to his plate. He stood up and walked toward me.

"Follow me, there is an extra room just down this hall; no one ever uses it!" He said cheerfully. I followed him down the dark hallway and he opened the door at the end of the hallway. I poked my head into the room and looked around before taking a step in. "Is everything alright?" He asked. I slowly stepped in. The room was elegantly laid with light colored wood and blue and black wallpaper. I sat my stuff by the bed which was also blue and black. I looked over at James, who was still standing at the doorway.

"Everything is fine. Thank you, I appreciate it." I said looking over at the windows which now flashed with lightning every few seconds. James closed the door. I flopped on to the bed; I was tuckered out and drifted off. In the morning I awoke to James opening the curtains in my room. Thunder rolled across the vast, gloomy, hill side castle; it was a Monday.

"Hey a new girl named Elise is here. She said that you know her! Is that true?" James asked as I rubbed my eyes. I shrugged and got out of bed quickly. James walked across my quaint, little room to me. I was still wearing my navy tank top and jeans. "You should take a bath. Maybe even different clothing!" He said pushing my hair out of my face. I sighed, knowing he was right, I decided a bath sounded nice. I walked out of my room to the nearest restroom and started the tub. James came in with a towel for me. I smiled and shoved him out. The door made a clicking sound and he could not get in. I undressed and stepped into the tub. Steam made it seem harder to breath but I felt great and clean!

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