Super Spiritual

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Two-Bit: Heylo new friends!

oreganooil: Hey!

Two-Bit: Oregano oil? Hmmnnn...are you like an organic person?

oreganooil: What?

Two-Bit: Like a super spiritual organic person like the people who are down to earth? 

oreganooil: I am confused...

Two-Bit: Super Spiritual should be your new name

oreganooil: uh no

Two-Bit: Are you vegan?

oreganooil: Are you ok?

Two-Bit: Because essential oil people are usually super and stuff

AviannaCade: Mom has essential oils but we don't do yoga. We are normal people who just use organic remedies

Two-Bit: Avianna is spiritual?

AviannaCade: *facepalms* Ughh

oreganooil: Ok, Two-face..

Two-Bit: Its Two-Bit! Two-Bit!

oreganooil: Ok ok calm down

Two-Bit: You would know calm you are spiritual

oreganooil: What is it with you and the spiritual stuff?

Two-bit: Are you Italian since you like oregano?

oreganooil: Oh my god

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