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"Mom! Oh, my god, Mooooooom~!" Taehyung yells as he quickly slams the door closed, after waving goodbye to Jimin and Jungkook, before sprinting to the kitchen, where he assumed she would be

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"Mom! Oh, my god, Mooooooom~!" Taehyung yells as he quickly slams the door closed, after waving goodbye to Jimin and Jungkook, before sprinting to the kitchen, where he assumed she would be. "You won't believe this, but Jimin said-" Taehyung smiles a huge boxy grin as he bounds into the kitchen, before freezing on the spot instantly, his smile dropping the second he enters the room.

"Tae, honey-"

"My, my, how you've grown my boy!" Taehyung's father smiles as he pushes himself up from the table, while Taehyung quickly looks to his mother with a look of confusion, before looking back to him as his father neared him, his arms opening to embrace Taehyung as he did so.

"What are you doing here?" Taehyung asks softly as his father brings him into a tight hug, one that he did not return as he frowned at his mother over his shoulder, before removing the frown as his father pulled back and looked down on him. He frowned softly as he pinched at Taehyung's red hair, before scrutinizing the pink sweater he was wearing.

"Well, I see he hasn't changed in the slightest." His father grumbles as he detaches himself from Taehyung and turns to face his mother, who now had a stern look on her face. "I imagine you have done nothing but encourage this... lifestyle he's chosen, hmm, Yaru?" He hums as he leans on the table and glares at Yaru, his back turned to Taehyung who was now staring daggers into the back of his head.

"Of course I support him, Kwanu. It's more then you ever did for him." Yaru hisses back at him, causing a low chortle to rise in his throat as he glances back at Taehyung, standing helpless behind him.


"Don't even try to defend her, you child! You don't even understand the disappointment that you have caused me!" Kwanu growls as he spins around with rage evident in his eyes, before Yanu quickly slips in between the two of them and holds out her arms.

"Please stop it!" Taehyung yells, his voice shaking as he looks at his parents with tear filled eyes. "Why did you come back, if you were just going to hurt us again?" He whimpers as he looks towards his father, who's face twists up with pure rage.

"Taehyung, don't-"

"You ungrateful brat!" Kwanu yells, thrusting out his hand to hit Taehyung but hits Yanu as she moves in the way of him. Taehyung yelps as he rushes forwards and grabs her, tugging her away from Kwanu as warm tears stream down his face. "Obviously, coming back here was a mistake. You," He hisses, glaring at Yanu who was now being sheltered behind Taehyung. "-Are still mentally unstable, and that gay son of yours is no child of mine." He grumbles, before storming past the two with his bag and slamming the front door behind him.

"Taehyung, you should not have spoken to your father like that." Yanu whispers softly as she pulls herself from Taehyung's arms and places a hand over the red bump forming on her cheek. "I know that it upsets you that he hurts me, but you have to protect yourself first. Didn't I tell you that?" She continues softly as she looks up at Taehyung, who had his eyes casted down and was crying silently.

"It's not fair-"

"Didn't I tell you to keep yourself safe first, Taehyung?" Yanu cuts in, grabbing Taehyung's hands suddenly as her eyes welled up with tears. Taehyung slowly looks up at her with a sniffle, before nodding slowly and looking back down. "Good." She whispers as she steps forward and pulls him into a hug, and his instantly wraps his arms around her middle with a small sob.

"I'm sorry, Mom. This is all my fault. If I wasn't the way I am, dad might love us." Taehyung whimpers into Yanu's neck, as she shakes her head softly and strokes the back of his hair.

"No, Tae Tae. That isn't true. Listen, I want you to go and shower up while I make dinner, okay?" She sighs softly as she pulls away from him, taking his face in her hands and wiping his wet cheeks softly, while he smiles softly and nods. "Okay. Go on, then." She grins at him, and he nods softly before shuffling away from her and up to his room.


"Tae, your phone is ringing!" Yanu shouts from the kitchen when she hears Taehyung exit the bathroom, making him rush to his bedroom where his phone was ringing loudly on his bed. He groans as he clutches the towel around runs to his room, whilst drying his other hand as he did so, before grabbing his phone and picking up before looking at the ID.

"Finally!" Jimin's voice screeches out of Taehyung's phone as the screen lights up, showing his face with a smaller window showing Taehyung's. It took him a second to realise that he was on Facetime with Jimin, before he screamed and dropped his phone onto his bed in a panic.

"What's wrong, dear?" Yanu calls up from the kitchen, concerned by Taehyung's scream as he silently stood hyperventilating, away from his camera. Jimin frowns as he peers into the phone, a small chuckle leaving his lips as he searches for Taehyung.

"I-I'm fine, Mom!" Taehyung yells back, before quickly picking up his phone and nervously smiling down at Jimin. "U-Uh, hi." He mumbles softly, before a deep blush rushes up his cheeks as he spots Jimin examining his wet, bare skin.

"Just out of the shower?" Jimin grins as he places a hand on one of his cheeks, a confident smile playing on his plump lips as he examined Taehyung's wet, red hair. Taehyung's eyes widen and he quickly covers the camera, before laughing softly and uncovering it so Jimin could see him once more.

"I- Yeah. I didn't know you would be calling so-"

"Jimin? Who are you speaking to?" The voice of Jimin's mom rings through Taehyung's phone, cutting him off and causing his smile to fade almost instantly. "It better not be that Queer from next-door.." She continues as Jimin quickly covers his phone, causing it to go dark on Taehyung's side.

"No, Mom." He replies softly, his phone still covered, while Taehyung stayed totally silent on the other side. He heard the door close on the other side, before Jimin removed his hand and sighed deeply as he looked back at Taehyung, with sad eyes. "Um, I'm probably gonna have to go, Tae. I'm sorry. I'll see you at school. Bye." Jimin mumbles softly, before he hangs up without giving Taehyung a chance to speak.

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